Welcome To

Upcoming events

  • Child Dedications

    Sunday, March 30th | 9am and 11am

  • Young Adult March Mixer

    Friday, March 28th | 7-10pm

  • Easter At Embassy

    Sunday, April 20th | 8:30, 10 & 11:45

  • Easter Egg Hunt

    Sunday, April 20th | 1 - 2pm

Get Connected

  • Groups

    We are so excited to have relaunched our Groups this semester, with groups available all over the metroplex! We invite you to find a group that matches you, and connect today!

  • Serve Teams

    We believe that one of the best ways for you to Change the world, is through service. Here at Embassy, we have hundreds of incredible volunteers that serve every week, and we invite you to join one of our amazing Serve Teams.

  • Upcoming Events

    There's always something happening at Embassy City! From Baptism Sunday, to Girls night out, there's something on the calendar for you. Click below to see a list of upcoming events.