The New, Week 3


I'm glad you're here. Hey, we're in the middle of 21 days of prayer and fasting. One more week to go. I've already been hearing about God answering. The Lord has spoken to me in the last couple of weeks, so clearly on some amazing things that I've been praying about. And so oftentimes when we go to Lord in prayer or we're engaged in fasting, we can sometimes think that it is purely us making requests or us denying the flesh, but you have to have open ears during that time because the scripture tells us even when Jesus was fasting and praying that the angels came and ministered to him. And so you have to be aware that when you're fasting in prayer that God is speaking to you. You're in a vulnerable place and it's a great place to be, to hear from the Lord. So we have one more week to go.

I pray that you've been blessed by the guided prayers. Those were all written, those were all prayed over before they were produced. And if this is your first time and maybe you were like, what's 21 days of prayer and fasting, go to embassy 21 days. Join us. Join us for the last seven days, or you can start tomorrow and go full 21 days. You don't have to do it with everybody. It's great to do it in community, but sometimes you may want to start and do your own thing and that's totally fine. Couple things that want to make you aware of. Water baptism is coming up in February. Registration is open. Now let me say this, water baptism is a very important step in your walk with God and here's why. It is a public declaration that you're in with Jesus.

Have you ever met somebody that's in a relationship with somebody and you got to try to figure it out? You go, Hey man, I've seen y'all hang out a lot. Are y'all dating? And they hit you with it's complicated. It's like, okay, well we'll be praying for you. A lot of times people's relationship with Jesus is complicated. Baptism takes care of that because you go public with your faith. And so we invite you, you can hit this QR code register and we're going to have baptism. Somebody say groups, groups, groups is getting ready to kick off. This is going to be an amazing time. Let me tell you, if you want friends and you want community and you want fellowship, join a group and they'll start signing up on February 9th. So get ready and then it'll kick off February the 16th. So get ready to make some friends to contribute.

To receive groups is a great time and a great opportunity for you to be in community and everybody say amen. Alright, we are continuing in our series called The New. It's not just the series, but it is the theme. It's the anthem. It's the phrase for our church. I really believe that God is going to do something new in this church and in you as an individual, but as we mentioned a couple of weeks ago when I preached this message, the inaugural message on New Hope, it's one thing to want new things. It's another thing to be prepared to receive it. If you've ever built a house or been around somebody that had a house built, the architect will give you the plan, they'll show you the picture and they'll tell you The new house is going to be amazing. Six bedrooms, seven bath.

Somebody is speaking in faith, 10,000 square feet. God, hey, we serve a big God. The plan is not the house, it's just the hope of the house that is to come when you agree, all right, I'm ready to build this house. You don't instantly get the house. There is some prep work that needs to be done before you are ready to receive what is being built. You got to move some dirt, you got to lay the foundation, you got to put in the plumbing, you got to get the electricity run, you got to get the sheet rock, the siding, the insulation, the roof. It's a process between here is what it's going to look like and here it is. The same is true was God. God will say, I want to do this in your life. And we're like, yes. And God's like Now I'm about to prep you for what is to come and that's what we've been talking about over the last couple of weeks. We're doing some prep work. So last week we talked about if you want new things in your life, then you have to have new wineskins. You got to get your heart ready, your spirit has got to be ready to receive what God has and we're continuing the conversation today. So stand your feet if you would go with me to Ephesians chapter three, the book of Ephesians chapter three. Some of you have this tattooed on your body.

Ephesians chapter three verse number. We'll start at verse number 14. This is what the Bible says. For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the of his glory, he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love may have strength to comprehend Somebody say comprehend. Comprehend to comprehend with all the saints what is the breath and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. Somebody say knowledge. Knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Here's the doxology, the ending, the praise report. Now to him who is able, I could just stop right there and preach for 45 minutes now to him who is able to do some of y'all? K, JV folks? Exceedingly, abundantly.

Here's what the E ESV says, far more abundantly than all that we ask or somebody say, think according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Man. Here's my title for this week, new head. We talked about new hope, a new heart. Today we're going to talk about a new head. Lord, we're so grateful, so thankful to be in your presence. I pray that in the next few moments that you would help us to recalibrate our mind, help us to be receptive to what you want to do that's new in our lives and help us to be willing to go through the process of preparation for the power which is to come. We give you name, the praise, the glory in the honor because you're worthy of it. In Jesus' name. Everybody say amen. God bless. You may be seated. I know some of you thought I was going to make you look at your neighbor. So look at your neighbor and say, neighbor, neighbor, something new. Something new is coming is coming. Glory. Go ahead and look at your other neighbor. You know how we do see other neighbor, other neighbor, something new. Something new is coming, is coming.

I just felt like I had to do that. If you've been in church for any length of time or you've been around the church, some of you are new to the church, some of you are seasoned saints, but if you've been around the church for any length of time, you have undoubtedly used this phrase for yourself or for someone else and it's this. Let go and let. There's even a gospel song and that's all it says. Let go and let God. And it says that for about 15 minutes. But usually when we tell somebody to let go and let God, it's because we perceive that whatever situation they're in, they have come through the end of their human ability and they need an intervention from God. And so when we've seen people go through situations where we don't have the answer, we say stuff like, man, you just got to let go and let God and all of us know what that feels like.

Have you ever been to the end of your rope and thought, I can't do nothing else except for let go and let God. Maybe you went to all the doctors, you paid all the money to try to figure it out until you got to the place you're like, you know what? I can do nothing else, so I'm going to let go and let God. Maybe you went to all the counseling, did all the talk therapy, read all the books, but you still need a breakthrough. So you say, what? I'm going to let go And maybe you did all the talking to that person. You showed up at their house, you gave them all the books, you gave them the pep talk, they're still acting crazy and you say, God, I'm just going to, and I love that phrase because it truly is kind of the sentiment of how we feel when we feel like we've done everything we know to do. However, as much as I love that phrase, I'm also aware of how often people have used that phrase as an excuse for inactivity.

Come on pastor. I've realized that frequently in the church we have so over spiritualized the Christian experience that we have created inadvertently a dichotomy between God's sovereignty and human responsibility as though intellect and spirituality cannot coexist at large. And some movements, the sentiment has been that you just let go and that's it. But sometimes it's not just about letting go. Sometimes it's let's go. Sometimes it's not let go and let God. Sometimes it's let's go and let's job. You know what I'm saying? Sometimes it's let's go and fill out an application, right? Sometimes it's let's go and let's diet.

I need a breakthrough. I need a miracle. You just need to eat more vegetables, get off them. Chicken wings. It's been a while that I talked about them. Chicken wings. I let go and let God. That's what happened. Sometimes it's let's go and let's budget. Sometimes it's let go and let's go to therapy. And here's the thing, your spirituality is not an enemy of your mind. Lemme say that again. Your spirituality is not an enemy of your mind. Here's the thing, if you've grown up in church, you've been around church, you have met that person who turns their brain off when they walk through the doors. You ever see those people like they're so disconnected intellectually from their spiritual experience. I remember I grew up in an environment where we had a lot of shouting and dancing and running and whatnot, and there were people who would do some things that you're like,

And I remember in one particular instance there was a lady in the church, she got to dancing and believe me, I'm all about dancing and shouting and all of those things, but this lady was dancing and she busted her knee on the back of the pew. This is when we had pews and it turned blue and it was bruised and she was hobbling. I said, I didn't even feel it. I said, but she bought into the idea that you can't use your brain and have a move of God that somehow the senses of your mind turn off when you have spiritual experiences. And here's the difficulty with that. God has given you a body, a spirit, and a mind. God does not intend for you to turn off your brain when you have a spiritual experience. In fact, God moves through your mind. Every decision that you make in life passes through for the most part through your mind.

In fact, scientists have been curious about the effects, the real effects of spiritual experiences on the actual brain. And so there were several scientists that started to develop a theory about how the brain can be remapped and reshaped by spiritual experiences actually reshaped by spiritual experiences. And it wasn't until mid 20th centuries as technology began to develop that scientists were testing this theory with brain scans. And what they found out is that when somebody has a spiritual experience, that there is an actual real effect on the human brain. The human brain actually changes. The more a person has spiritual experiences. In fact, they call it neurotheology. It is the combination. It's the field that unites brain science and psychology with religious belief and practices. And the field of studies suggests that there's an absolute correlation between theology and neurology that your brain is actually changing with prayer.

That your mind is actually changing with devotion to God, that if you're in this 21 days of prayer and fasting, did you know that your actual physical brain is changing? And what they notice is that when somebody is in a spiritual experience, that there is a drastic effect on the frontal lobe in particular. And the frontal lobe is responsible for thinking, for emotions, for personality, for judgment, for self-control, for muscle control and movement and memory storage and more. It's interesting that scientists are just now feeling as though they've discovered something new about the brain that somehow science is proving that a spiritual experience changes your mind. And what's funny is God already knew that because that's how God designed us. God designed us to have a brain, a mind that works in combination with our spirit and our body. There is a direct correlation between all. They work symbiotically, they work and coexist together. So as you are changing in spirit, so is your mind, but as your mind changes, so is your spirit. Sometimes we can so over spiritualized discipline that we negate the fact that if you just make up your mind to take time and steal yourself, that your spirit has an opportunity to engage.

That's why the scripture teaches us that spiritual transformation requires a renewal of the mind. This is what Paul said. Romans chapter 12 verse two, do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. You cannot discern the will of God without a transformation of your mind. The word renewal here means the act of reestablishing something in a like new and often improved manner. The word mind is the Greek word noose and it means intellect. It means the psychological facility of understanding, reasoning, and deciding. Paul states that in order to experience real spiritual transformation. Now the word transformation is the word metamorpho, which is where we get the word metamorphosis. This is the transition from old things to new. This is the transition from something that is into something that hasn't been yet.

This is the transition from a way of living a caterpillar into a butterfly. And Paul says that if you want to transition yourself from the old things to the new things, it requires you to have a new head because you cannot expect new things with old thinking. You cannot expect God to give you fresh revelation with a stale mind. Sometimes we love to think back and we love to remember, but sometimes your memory can be a hindrance to your future because you keep replaying how good stuff was and you have no capacity for new thinking.

Oh my God, the renewal of our minds is directly connected with our ability to transform from the old into the new Now. Now I've got to teach this because when you look through scripture, you'll find that there are two main functions for the mind. There are many functions of the mind, the ability to move your body to let you know when you're hungry. All of those things teaches you how to blink. There are millions of neurons in your brain that are transmitting at all times, right? But when you look through scriptures, there are two main functions of the mind as it relates to transitioning from the old and to the new. And we see this consistently in scripture and one of the things, one of the functions of your mind that will help you transition from the old into the new is number one, your ability to remember, your ability to recall a memory, your physical mental ability to recall and to remember.

Now, one of the earliest recorded practices in scripture that engaged the mind was the building of altars. Now, often we think of altars as a purely spiritual practice, but when you look at the institution and why altars were built in the first place, altars were always built as a memorial or recognizing what had just happened. The first altar that we find built in scripture is by Noah. After he made it through the flood, he made it through the flood. He got off the ark. He said, man, I've been in there a long time. He looks around, everything is destroyed, everything is new. Everything is literally brand spanking new. Noah comes off the ark and before he enjoys the newness that God provides, he stops to build an altar and thank God that God kept him through the old. Now, what said before I go into the newness that God has provided for me, I'm going to stop, recognize and remember what God has done. Not just remember, but worship.

I am convinced that the reason why some people have a hard time worshiping is they have memory loss. They suffer from short-term memory because if you think back over your life and all the times that God has kept you and what he brought you out of and how he delivered you and how he made a way where there was no way and how he was your friend, when everybody left you, you can't help but build an altar and give worship to God when you remember. That's why there's songs like when I look back over my life and when I think about the goodness of Jesus, when I remember what he's done in my life, it doesn't matter how old you are when you remember what God has done in your life, you can't help but worship. Remember the 10 lepers they were sitting there, Jesus, we need a miracle, and Jesus said, go show yourself to the priest.

In the Bible says they're on their way, that they were being cleansed, but one of them when he noticed that he was cleansed, turned around the Bible says to give him praise, and he stopped and he said, Jesus, I will go on to my new life, but before I transition from being a leper to being cleansed, I got to go back and offer up some worship in remembrance for what you've done in my life. The reason why we stopped and worship in church is because we remember how good God has been to us, and when you truly remember, you can't help but give God worship. This is why God over and over and over in scripture says, I want my people to remember. That's why Noah built an ark, because he remembered that God sustained him through the flood. Abraham built an altar to remember that God made him a promise and blessed him abundantly.

Jacob built an altar to remember how God visited him when he was running. Moses built an ark, an altar to remember the victory God gave them. In the battle of Amalek, Joshua built an altar to remember how God led Israel through the Red Sea. One of the greatest examples to me of transitioning from the old to the new and building a place of remembrance is the story of Joshua. In Joshua chapter four, Joshua has just assumed leadership from Moses. He has been with Moses out of Egypt into the wilderness. He has seen the promised land. He believes that God is able, he believes the new thing is coming. He believes that God is going to give them houses. They didn't build vineyards, they didn't plant. He believes he's going to drink from water, from wells that they didn't dig. He believes all of this stuff and when Moses passes away and he becomes the leader, he doesn't just charge in the Canaan, but as he's sitting on the banks of Jordan River and they're about to go from the wilderness into Canaan, from the old into the new, from the past into the future, from the present into what God has to them, he says, before we cross over, we got to build an altar and he builds an altar with 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel, and this is what he says.

When your children ask you why these stones are here, you remind them how God brought you out of Egypt through the Red Sea on dry ground, how he made all of the plagues come, how the deaf angel passed over because the blood was applied to the doorpost, how he provided you with quail and with manna in the middle of the desert, how he provided water for you when you were thirsty, how he made sure that your clothes didn't wear out, how he made sure that your shoes didn't wear out how he came through for you time and time and time and time and time again. I wish somebody would just go back in your memory bank for just a couple of seconds and remember what God has brought you out of, what he has brought you into, how he sustained your life, how he provided for you.

If God does not do another thing for me, I'm still building an altar of remembrance for what he's done for me thus far. Here's why memory is important, because your memory allows you to take inventory of the abilities of God at every season in your life, meaning that if God doesn't do more, I know that he can at least replicate what he's done before, so I may not make more money, but I know that he provided for me before, so if I'm going through something he will provide for me. Again, all throughout the scripture, God says, remember, but don't stay there, and for many people, their ultra of remembrance has become their idol.

Remember back when we were in Egypt, that's what the children Israel said. They came to Moses and says, we remember our former life in Egypt. We had garlic, onions, lettuce, tomatoes. This stuff don't even sound tempting. We could eat. This is what they said, we could eat meat until we were full lies. They were slaves. The scripture gives us the real story. They were to work from sunup to sundown every day. No Sabbath, no break being whipped. The Bible says that the Egyptians were harsh taskmasters, your memory will trick you and the thinking that your former stuff was better than what God has prepared for you.

Oh my God, I got to move on. So God wants you to remember. That's one of the functions of the mind. Some of you're getting ready to walk into the new, but before you do, take inventory of where he's brought you from. Don't get stuck there but let it be a transition point for you because here's the second function of the mind when it comes to transition. First you remember the second. If you're going to move from the old to the new, you got to be able to imagine, and that's hard for some of us adults to think about because when you're a child, your imagination is wild and crazy. You can make up worlds. You can imagine the world is your oyster. You have all this. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an astronaut, and when a five-year-old says that, we're like, yes, but if you're 20 something, see, some of y'all laugh, but it's still possible. But we become with experience and hard times and we've gone through some things. A lot of us will say, I live in reality, and really you're just living in doubt.

I just like to keep it real. No, you're not keeping it real. You're keeping it doubt. You're keeping it unbelief. There's an interesting, God has given us an interesting ability in our mind to imagine things that are not in existence. Think about when you get a plan for a house. That house is not built. Somebody has to use their imagination to build something in their mind that hasn't been built yet and by the imagination of their mind, they then begin to strategize and put pen to paper and realize what has been imagined in their mind that wasn't given to them by darkness that was given to them by God. This is why Ephesians chapter three verse 20 says Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us. Here's what you have to understand about this passage of scripture. You cannot imagine if you don't believe that God is able. In fact, you won't even ask if you don't believe God is able. There are some people that I will not ask for the help because I know they're not able to help me. I'm not asking my child to move the couch. Why? Because I do not trust his ability at five years old to move the couch. I only ask things from people who I believe are able to do it.

The reason why some people will not pray and ask God for things is because they don't actually believe that he is able to do it. I want to shake you up to pray prayers you hadn't prayed before because the first thing that you have to establish if you're going to transition from the old to the new is you have to make it in your mind, make up in your mind that regardless of if I see it in my lifetime or not, I know that God is able. I know that God is able, not just able, but able to do it.

Before we go any further, we have to establish this fact that God is able, he's able to do it. Whatever you need, God is able, whatever you have a request for, God is able, whatever need that you have in your body, God is able. I'm not saying you're going to get healed today, but I got to make it up in your mind that God is able, whatever circumstance I'm in, I know that God is able, when I know that I walk with the one who I know is able, I walk differently. I walk with a different confidence. I walk with a different degree of confidence and faith because I know that regardless if it happens to me, I know that he's able. This is why the three Hebrew boys, when they were confronted with the fire, they said, Hey, if you don't worship, we're throwing you into the fire and the three Hebrew boys say, listen, you may throw us in, but here's the thing.

Even if we go into the fire, we know that God is able to deliver us out of you can't do anything to somebody who believes that God is able. My mom has a unique ability to believe that God is able to do literally anything. You want to go to Harvard, God is able, you want to buy that house. God is able, you want to get that new car. God is able, do you need to be healed in your body? God is able, when you believe that God is able, it will change what you ask for because most of the times we ask for things that we have facts or proof of. Oh my God. This is why your memory can be a prison to your future because oftentimes we ask God for something we've already seen. Lord, if you did it for them, you can do it for me.

When was the last time you asked God to do something for you that you have never seen done for anybody else? When was the last time you expanded your mind? You had to use your imagination. You had to go outside of yourself. They always told you, Hey, stay within the parameters of asking the right things. When was the last time you stepped out of the parameters and said, God, I don't know if you're going to do it. I don't know if you're going to do it today or how are you going to do it? But I know that you are able, not just able but to do exceedingly, abundantly.

That means whatever I ask God for, God can do more than that and more than that and more. Why would I ask God for little stuff if God is able to do big stuff? Oh my Lord, if you are going to transition from the old to the new, you have to pray prayers you haven't prayed before. You have to believe God for things you haven't believed before. I know it sounds crazy when you tell people what you're believing God for, but they just don't think He's able. You do believe he's able and because I believe that God is able, I pray prayers that make me nervous. I pray prayers that I don't really want to tell nobody about. I pray prayers that make me squirm. I pray prayers that make me not even want to tell anybody, but I believe that God is so able to do it, that I pray prayers that make me nervous. When was the last time you came out of a prayer meeting and said, okay, that was interesting.

You know what I'm saying? But I believe that in this transition period from the old to the new, you are going to have to get uncomfortable. You have to expand your mind. This is why if you're going to experience the new, you need a new head. You can't think the same old way and expect new results. This is why when God allowed the spies to go into the land to see the promised land that God promised them, he said, it's yours houses. You didn't build venues. You didn't plant wells you didn't dig. Land is flowing with milk and honey. Go check it out. Go look at the blueprint. They went and looked, came back. Moses said, y'all ready?

Nah. Why not? I don't. We're able old thinking, slavery mindset, so you would trade. Come on, pastor, a land flown with milk and honey, even the possibility of a house that you didn't build, grapes that you didn't plant, figs, apples, oranges, olives. You would trade the potential of that to go back into slavery for garlic and onions and leeks. Old mindset, old mindsets can't go into new places. God knew that. That's why he said, listen, all them people that are thinking old, they're going to die. That sounds brutal, doesn't it? We give people grace. God was like, Nope, because I can't have old mindsets in new places because your old mindset will destroy the new place. God cannot allow you to go into a new place with old thinking. Why? Because you will turn a new thing into an old thing quick. If your mind ain't right, you'll turn to new things that God has given you into. You can buy a new outfit and make it look old. So this is what Paul says in Ephesians. Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundant above all that you are able to ask or think two keywords here, ask

Or think now. Now here's what's interesting about asking. Asking is when we make a request based on what we know, I'm praying God to heal my body because I've seen him heal somebody before. I'm praying God to you fill in the blank because I've seen it before. A lot of times our ask is predicated or is in relation to what we've seen before. Paul clarifies that God is able to exceed what you ask for, but he's also able to exceed what you imagine now. Now the word this is important here in this passage, it says think, but the word sake is the word to imagine is the Greek word noo. It means to form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case. Lemme say it again. It means to form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case, meaning that it has never been done before, meaning there is no frame of reference. Meaning is brand new, meaning that there is no way for you to pattern it after something that has been done before.

Meaning that you have to use your ability to create a scenario in your mind that you can't even articulate with your words. Jesus, this is so deep, and so y'all going to get this, some of y'all not, but when you imagine it means that you've never seen it before. It means that you can't go back and say, this is the way. It's like when you imagine a house. I know somebody that built a house based on a dream that they had, so what does the blueprint look like At that point? You got to go back into your imagination and try to articulate, the room was here. The living room was like this. The door looked like that. Hold on, hold on. Let me lemme go back into my imagination that we had a hallway here.

We put the backyard like this. Oftentimes when I preach, I preach from a place of imagination. The building that God has taken us to looks like this and there are thousands of people that's never been done before. Just let me imagine. Let me imagine what it looks like to baptize 300 people to in one day. Let me imagine what it looks like to have 500 people raise their hands saying, I'm going all in with Jesus. Well, it's never been done before Jesus. I'm not living based on what I've seen. I'm saying, when was the last time you expanded your mind to the point of imagination? Imagine the job. I'm not talking about manifestation.

Let me clarify. I'm not saying I'm manifesting this. I'm saying I'm imagining based on what I know God is able to do. Imagine your loved one who's been away from God walking in and coming back. Well, I haven't seen it yet. Imagine it. I've been praying about it. Imagine it. Imagine what your family would look like. Imagine what your home would look like. Imagine what your life would look like. I'm not talking about, I'm going to manifest it. I'm going to put it out in the ether. Am I still in the book? God is able to do far more abundantly what we're able to ask or think? Imagine, well, I'm not married yet. Imagine walking down the aisle.

Well, I'm not holding the baby yet. Imagine the delivery. My kid is still acting crazy and imagine them being in love with Jesus. Well, I hadn't seen that house yet. Imagine God not just providing you the house, but providing you the resources to buy the house. I haven't closed the deal yet. Imagine that you are sitting at the table shaking hands, closing the deal. Imagine what? I'm not trying to make it happen. I'm just imagining and asking God and I know that God is able to go far above that. If you're going to see something fresh, if you're going to see something new, you have to get a new head.

One of the best scriptures to me that I love is two Kings, chapter six, verse number 15, the prophet Elijah, Elijah is with Israel. The Syrian armies are attacking Israel, and this is the scenario where it's an oh oh moment. Reality is not looking very well. Two King chapter six, verse 15, when the servant, this is Elijah's servant, when the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold an army with horses and chariots was all around the city and the servant said, oh, alas my master, what shall we do? That's a very smart move. Have you ever looked at the surroundings of your life and said, oh, this don't look good. What shall I do? Anybody ever been there beside me? I've looked at my reality and thought, I have idea how I'm getting out of this way. I have no idea how God is going to transition this. I have no idea what's about to happen next.

He said, what shall we do? And he said, Elijah, he bad. Do not be afraid. Why? Why shouldn't I be? Because there's literally a chariot. There's literally an army with chariot and horsemen. I can understand we got swords. We're fighting one-on-one. This ain't fair. They got chariots and horses. That's power. They coming for us. They're not messing around. Do not be afraid for those who are with us or more than those who are with them. That's what I've been like, man, I knew Elisha was getting old, that boy's tripping. This is what he does. Then Elisha prayed and said, oh Lord, please open his eyes that he may see. Why would you pray for someone who has their eyes open for the eyes to be opened?

Why would you pray something that seems so obvious in a situation that seems so obvious? His eyes were open, so the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elijah. What that scripture tells me is that there is another level of seeing that is beyond your level of seeing. There is another level of seeing beyond your natural level of seeing. This is where you have to engage your ability to imagine something that is not presently your reality. Can you pray prayers out of your imagination? Can you believe God out of your imagination? I know the church don't like to talk about the brave. We like to turn reality off and try to make it this ethereal experience. God's given you an ability in your physical brain to imagine things that are not pleasantly reality.

Faith is the substance of things. Hope for the evidence of things not seen, not seen. We talk about faith. The only reason you need faith is because your present reality doesn't look like what you're hoping for, so you have to activate faith. What is faith? Faith is believing that God tells the truth. Faith is believing that God is able to exceed my current reality, move into the future and build the thing while I'm on the journey to it. The Canaanites who were building the promised land not knowing they weren't building it for themselves, God right now has dispatched people, angels to build things that will be ready. When you get there, God has gone before you to build the new thing while you're in transition from the old to the new. God is getting it ready. Can you imagine what your life is going to be like next year?

Can you imagine? I know it don't look like it right now, but I imagine that my latter days will be greater than my father, but I had a good time. I had a great time, but that don't even compare to what I imagine next year is going to be. This year was good, but next year's going to be greater from glory to glory, exceedingly abundantly above God has taken you to the next level. Can you imagine what it will look like for you to step into a new thing, stand you If you're all across this place, I just want somebody to start activating your imagination. Stop walking around. In reality, people say, oh, you need to be in. No, I don't want to be in reality, I want to be above reality. I want to be in the imagination space. I want to be in the imagination Station. For some of you that I know Odyssey, what does it look like?

I imagine it to look like this. What is expanding your mind or are you just praying recycled prayers? God, I want to see the same deliverance. I want to experience the same transition from Egypt to the wilderness and God's like, no, I'm going to take you from the wilderness of the promised land and from Jericho to the other cities to conquer more and more and more and more in Jerusalem, Judea, uttermost parts of the earth from glory to glory, from reality to imagination, to reality, to imagination. Constantly exercising my faith for more constantly believing God for more. I pray that I pray better. I preach better messages next year than I did this year. I pray that I pray deeper prayers next year. I'm imagining greater, and then whatever I imagine God can top that, so your imagination is a limitation.

I got to stop. I got to stop. We got to go home, but somebody in here, God's trying to tell you, you're great at building altars and remembering, but your altars have become your idols and your idols are hindering you from your future. I just don't know how it's going to work out. That ain't up to you. Imagine it working out. Lift your hands all across his face. Hallelujah. Whatever the framework I've built, Lord, I pray that in my mind I would begin to expand it. I pray that I'll begin to pray prayers that make me nervous. I pray that I started speaking in faith, things that are not as though they were expand my mind. I need a new mind. God, if you're going to do a new thing, I got to have a new heart. I got to be spiritually prepared, but I got to be mentally prepared because every time you do something new, it isn't what you've done in the past. It's something new. Imagine what David must've felt like when God said, pick up five smooth stones. Well, wait a minute. We're going to take this giant with stones. Imagine if this rock hits this joker in his forehead. What?

Every time God does something new, it is going to challenge your mind. When I look back all my life, I can't believe it. I literally can't believe it. I'm here, right? If God probably here, what's the rest of my life look like? I can't. I can't, but I will imagine it.


The New, Week 4


The New, Week 2