Q+A 6: Why Do We Do It?


What's up? I love you. You're in the right place. Whether you are here or whether you are there, you are in the right place. I do want to give some shout outs this weekend to some people that have left some comments. Again, we're watching you, you're watching us. We're watching each other. That might sound weird but I see you. This first one, and I think this was actually someone maybe that was watching Unpacked, they said, "Amen. Thank you all so much for this conversation. I feel motivated to put God before anything and ready to chase after everything He has for me and my family."

Yes, you, for being motivated and feeling God's inspiration to move you in that direction. Somebody else wrote, "I started listening to Pastor Tim and Embassy on my podcast about a year ago, and literally, this movement," and I love that they use the word, movement because this is what we are, "this movement has upset my world. Thank you for your obedience to God and to bring the Word of God." Yes, you.

I have a very special shout out to someone who was in our live chat last week. You all wouldn't know that in here, but for those that were watching online and being active in our live chat, somebody came into our live chat and took the time, being so blessed by the message, to write, "N-I-G-G-E-R." One of my family members screen grabbed it, sent it to me, and was like, "Did you see this?" I started laughing. I immediately got the giggles because I thought to myself, "This person has selective viewership. He or she only sees a certain group of people in this room." Because you can't be calling all of us niggers.

It must just be maybe like half the people in the room. Did you see anybody else? Here's what I told my family members because my nephew sent this to me in a group chat, I said, "I don't just measure effectiveness by praise. I also measure effectiveness by persecution." It just lets us know, whether it's praise or persecution, that we are on the right track.

Here's what I want to say to the person that was under the name, Dieter Werner. Didn't think I got the name, did you? I just want to let you know, whatever attracted you to our service and our live chat, my prayer sincerely is that something would be done in your heart that would soften the hate you have and open you up to the love of Jesus Christ. Those are my shout outs for this weekend.

Now, let's get into the Word of God. All right. If you have your Bibles, I am so excited because this is the sixth and last message in the series, Q&A. There's been five parts of this series thus far. This is the sixth installment, and this is the end of this series. It's also the beginning of a new month, thus the change in blazer. If you only track us online, we literally have people that don't even remember the sermon series. They literally remember the blazer I had on. I'll literally see them when I'm out and about, and I'll be like, "Hey, man, how you doing?" They're like, "Yo, that series you did with that orange blazer, yo, that was really good series, bro."

If you see me right now, and I have on this blazer, this is not a new series. It's a new month. This is the end of the series, but it's also the beginning of a new month, and so the blazer had to change. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page. Next week, I want to say again, because I'm super excited about it and the burden is heavy on me, I'm starting a series on marriage next week. This series on marriage is going to last, I'm telling you now, at least seven weeks. I'm already five weeks in, in content and the Lord has not stopped talking to me. It could be seven. It could be eight. It could be nine. It could be 10. Now I just want to say as a disclaimer, for all the single people in the room, I'm not talking to you. People dating, I'm not talking to you. I'm only going to be talking to married people, but if you are not married and you want to be, you should take good notes. If you were married and got divorced, you should take really good notes because I believe it will help everybody in the room. If I focus on a particular group of people in the room, I think it's going to help everybody's relationship.

But today we're doing the final message in the series, Q&A. If you're taking notes on this message, the title of this message simply is Why Do We Do It? We've done all the other questions, we've done how, we've done what, we've done when. We've done all the other questions, most people would like to start with the why. Great, brilliant mind named Simon Sinek actually did a whole Ted Talk and a book on Why and why we need to know the reason why we do what we do. I wanted to save it towards the end, because I want this to be the last thing you get in your mind before we end this message, before you walk this out, having all these questions as relates to Embassy City Church.

Now we want to answer the question why do we do what it is we do? By your hands was pray over the word, and then I'm just going to jump right in. Shall we? Holy Spirit, thank you for answering the question why for us. Amen. I am the type of person that is always asking why, anybody besides myself, any why people in the room? Is there anybody in the room you ask why, even when you already know the answer, nobody? Okay. Good. Anybody asks why the questions that are absolutely ridiculous and you're not going to understand the answer, but you still ask why anyway? This is why I want it to be a homicide detective.

I was fascinated by what caused people to get to the point that they would murder another human being. That's what I went to school for and this is why psychology is so fascinating to me and case profiling is so fascinating to me and getting an understanding of why people do the things that they do. This is the thing that consumes my life. I'm always asking why, culture does stuff and I ask why. They say stuff I ask why? They sing stuff, I ask why? They show stuff I ask why.? I'm always asking why.

When it comes to scripture and when it comes to the reason why we do what we do, we have to answer the question why am I doing this? I think it's very, very important to answer this question, especially in the South. The Bible Belt, where a lot of people go to church and have no reason why they're even there. I was born and raised in this. This is what we do. As long as I can remember, my mama took me to church.

As long as I can remember my parents took us to church, my grandfather has a brick in the side of this church building with our name on it. The third-row beach two has a little gold placard with my great-grandfather's name. This is why I show up to church. But if that's the only reason why you show up, have you even shown up? When it comes to why we do what we do, I just want to answer these questions because it comes down to a fundamental thing, and that is, we were commanded to. I have three points and then we out, point number one, please write this down. Why do we do what we do? Because Jesus told us to make disciples. Listen, the only reason why I am leading this church is because my chief Apostle, Jesus Christ, asked me to, this was not a good idea.

I promise you it wasn't, this was God's idea. I did not stretch up in the morning one day and go, "You know, what I would love to do for the rest of my life, I would like to go square up against the demonic stronghold in principality of a city. I would like to invite Satan and all of his forces to come beat up my family just to-- I just think praying in the church would be cool." Can I just say something to all, maybe the eager, people that want to grow up and get in ministry, if God didn't call you to this, do something else.

Drive an ice cream truck, produce a television show, write screenplays, be a tattoo artist, do anything, but show up here and think because you talk good and people like to listen to you that this would be a good idea. The church is not a good idea, it's God's idea and unless he tells you to do it, you probably should not even try because even if he did call you to do it, the warfare is so crazy, can you imagine if he didn't call you to do it? God's off, Satan is like, "Oh, yes you out here by yourself I got you."

Why are we doing what we're doing? Because Jesus commanded us to. Here's what it says in Matthew 28:18, "Jesus came and told his disciples, I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth therefore go and make disciples of all the nations." Can I just stop right there? All the nations, all the nations, keep the verse up, all the nations, all the nations, the reason why we have people that watch us in different nations is because I'm communicating a gospel for all nations.

I'm not communicating a gospel for a group of people, I'm communicating a gospel for all nations. The reason why God put us in this particular zip code is because it's one of the most racially diverse zip codes in the United States of America. All the nations are here, so God said, "Drop that church right there and then call all of them to get in this swimming pool. They might not understand each other, they might not know each other, they might come from different cultures, they might have come from different backgrounds, they may come from different theological distinctives and persuasions of thoughts, invite them to come into the same room because the gospel is for all nations.

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you and be sure of this, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Why do we do this? Because he told us to, it's as simple as that, why do we represent Jesus? Why do we gather as a family of faith? Because Jesus told us to.

The epicenter of WWJD is that verse. We're not doing this because it's convenient all the time, we're not doing this because we want to all the time, we're doing this because we were commanded to at all times, go to nations, make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Point number two, please write this down. Why do we do this? Because Jesus told us to be his witnesses. Now, I want to slow down, you can keep that point up, but I just want to slow down because I want you to understand how simple and basic my relationship with Jesus is.

My relationship with Jesus is simple and basic to the point that if he says something, I just do it, that's my whole-- The only reason I could pastor this church for five years is because Jesus said, "Pastor the church." Whenever he says, "Okay, you're done," I'm out. I'll cry because I'll miss you all, but I will [unintelligible 00:15:17] so fast. Because I'm not even here to please you, I'm here to please him. Literally, I want you to grow to the point in your relationship with God that you're living your life simply because he told you to do what you're doing. He told you to say what you said. He told you to forgive who he told you to forgive. He told you to go where he told you to go. That's as simple as it is for me.

I'll never forget when I met Juliet. The first time I looked at Juliet was February of 1998. It's the first time I laid eyes on her. We were in a youth service, and I was praying for some people. She was getting a prophetic word from the youth pastor, and the prophetic words sounded eerily similar to a word I have received. My back was turned. I thought the youth pastor was actually talking to me. So I turned around, like, "Who are you talking to?" He's talking to her. As soon as I turned around and saw her, I had never saw her in my life, the Holy Spirit said, "That's your wife." I said, "Thank you. I appreciate it."

That means if I'm looking, I'm not listening, because that's my wife. I just heard a word. So I pursued her. She didn’t feel the same way.

Sometimes the words have a delay in between getting some agreement. I heard a word. The way I got to Texas was because I heard a word. He said, "Buy a one-way ticket to Dallas." My parents are watching right now. Hi, mom, dad. I went to my parents. I said, "I feel like God's called me to go to Texas," and they were like, "What?" I was supposed to come visit for a month. The Holy Spirit said, "Buy a one-way ticket to Dallas."

They got me enough money for a one-way Greyhound bus ticket. It was not glamorous. It wasn't even SouthWest. I was on a bus with wheels for two and a half days. Two and a half days. Not because that's the bus route. We're talking bus stops and smoke breaks. I did not know a bus will pull over to let 15 people go outside in the cold, just [inhales]. That is a fiercely bad habit. I heard a word and I just obeyed it. When I read Scripture and I get something as plain as, "Go make disciples," you know what I do? I go make disciples. When I get a word as plain as, "You're going to be my witnesses," I go witness.

Here's what it says in Acts 1:8, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere, in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, all Jewish territory, ends of the earth, Gentiles. For the last 2000 years, it has gone Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Corinth, Galicia, Colossae, Thessalonica, Philippi, Compton, Newark, New Jersey, Connecticut, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Russia, Australia, Cuba, Venezuela, all around the world.

The last 2000 years, the Gospel continues to have witnesses because people are obeying what he told them to do. "Why are you doing this?" "He told us to." He told us to come way out here and just be a witness to you. Jesus is Lord. See you tomorrow. There's over two billion people that claim Jesus is Lord. That's not because He's popular. That's because you found some obedient people to do exactly what he's told you to do? Witness. "Well, I'm not an evangelist." He didn't ask you if you was an evangelist. Witness. "Well, I'm not really a people person." He didn't ask you about your personality. Witness. "Well, I get nervous around people and I stumble over." He didn't ask you all that about your nerves. Witness. "Well, I don't know the Bible that much I just--" He didn't ask you if you knew the Bible enough. Witness.

Do you know we are the only faith that the moment you give your life to Jesus is the moment you can start being a witness? You literally don't have to know 66 books of the Bible in a row and you are qualified to be a witness. You can literally get saved today, having been an atheist, and walk out of here and be like, "Jesus, Lord, to the glory of God," and that's a witness. Oh, yes. Well, what about the Pentateuch? It seems to be some inconsistencies in the Old Testament. You're just like, "Yes, I don't know about that. I haven't even gone to the new members class or nothing. I literally just gave my life to Jesus right now.

Here's what I do know, though. He's alive. God raised him from the dead and he just changed my heart." This is the only relationship where you don't have to go to a seminary school before you witness. He said you will be my witnesses. How do you feel about it? If I got to go get somebody else. Witness. If I got you go tell somebody else. Witness. I don't care if they get uncomfortable. Tell them, not when you want to when I want you to. I'm going to slow down right there. That was the Holy Spirit right there.

Not when you want to, when I want you to. There's a lot of people witnessing and Gods like, "I didn't even ask you to do. All you had to say it was good morning. I didn't even need to-- why did you do that?"

When you're sensitive to his leading and his prompting, he will give you the opportune times to do this. That's point number two which brings me to point number three. Stop standing around. What do you mean by that Tim? Why are we doing what we're doing? Because Jesus told us to go and make disciples. Jesus told us to witness. It's as simple as that. He told us to do two things. That's all we're doing.

Stop standing around. Today is the day that you need to be activated because you know your why. You can no longer have the excuse that you don't know why you're doing this. Yes, you do. Jesus commanded you to make disciples and Jesus commands you to be a witness. These are in red letters. This is not a suggestion. Stop standing around. I see too many people that are believers in Jesus Christ standing around just waiting.

"Oh, it's so hard now Lord. I hope you come back soon. The world's changing Lord, I hope you come back soon. So much wickedness in the land Lord, send revival. Oh God, please. Like the winds of revival, sweep through our nation. Bring us back to our knees in repentance," but you have not discipled anybody nor have you witnessed to bring the revival that you're praying about. "Save them Lord," you haven't even told them your story. Stop standing around. Now, before you think I'm coming too hard on you're like, "Tim, I mean, your tone."

"Sorry, you see, I'm sensitive. You're raising your voice and it's triggering me. We don't like the tone you're using on me bro. I'm not even standing right now. I'm sitting. Why are you so--" This isn't what was given to people before you and so I'm giving it to you. Here's what it says in the book of Acts 1:9, "After saying this,' this is Jesus, "He was taken up into a cloud, while they were watching." I'm sorry, every time I read this, I stop. Every single time I read this I stop. Here's the reason why. Our faith narrative, our faith story, the narrative that we have, that disciple people witness and that we witness about, is one of the most ridiculous narratives in the world. This is why Christians are persecuted because our narrative story is absolutely ridiculous if you don't have faith.

The Holy Spirit doesn't bring you to Jesus, you'll never receive Jesus as Lord because the narrative is just absolutely ridiculous. I just want you to think about the foundation of your faith. Is that a virgin-- This is where your narrative starts. Hey, tell us about your faith. I surely will. Well, yes. Little teenage girl named Mary gets pregnant by the Holy Spirit. "All right, bro. I'm out. I appreciate you though. I love you." Mary gets pregnant being overshadowed and overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit.

She's pregnant with the Son of God. The immaculate conception. She carries this baby, gives birth to this baby, this baby grows up into the man that is prophesied to be the Messiah of the entire world. A Jewish man assigned to Jews dies for the entire world. When he dies for our sins, so that we can be in right standing with God, he is raised to life after three days. Let's just pause. You gave me a virgin narrative of a virgin girl giving birth, and now he died and was raised from the dead. This womb to the tomb story, there is no man involved. He got into a womb without the assistance of a man. He got out of a tomb without the assistance of a man and that's enough.

It's like, "No more miraculous stuff, Lord, that we can't explain till we get to heaven. You've made our job hard enough." He does not stop there. This verse after saying this he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching. Don't nobody talk about the ascension, you know why? It's already too complicated bro. I don't even--

You still shook off that virgin birth. You can't get over him raising from the dead and now I'm telling you your boy got on a cloud.

Just this heightened up, just went away. Just literally just went up and nobody. Do you know how G, how gangster this is? "How'd you get here?" "Virgin birth." "What did you do?" "Die for the sins of the world." "What happened next?" "Got up from the grave." "Then what you do?" "Jumped on a cloud." "What happened?" "Floated away while they were watching."

Your boy, he literally just went up in the air on a cloud while they were watching. He goes on to say and they could no longer see him. Which means they were standing for a long time because while they were watching, I would be in shock. If some of y'all after service got into the parking lot and everybody else's rummaging through a purse and hitting a pocket for the keys and you just see one person just go into a corner where there's a little mist.

You would be like, "Yo, I've seen people watch a balloon they let go faster than this." What? I mean, red balloon, just-- The Scripture says they look so long that they couldn't even see him any longer and they were still standing there. "Peter?" "Yes." "Can you see him?" "I think I see like a speck." "John?" "Yes." "Can you see him?" "I can't man the sun is in my eyes." "Which one?"

Y'all smart. I like y'all. Y'all smart. The 12 men that would upset the entire world were stuck standing and looking. They had just been given a commandment to go make disciples. They had just been given the commandment to be witnesses. Here they are. This is where a lot of Christians are right now in culture, present day. What are we doing to bring revival? "Man, hold on. I'm just trying to see if I see him."

There's people dying all around us. The world needs a savior. We need to be witnesses. Come Lord Jesus come. Come Lord Jesus come. All just standing, staring hoping that instead of us doing our jobs, he just comes back, so we don't have to? They could no longer see him. As they strained to see him rising into heaven two white-robed men suddenly stood among them. "Men we got to leave," they said. Now let's just pause. Let me go slow.

It's the end of the series, isn't it? Let me chill real quick. They still staring so long that two white-robed men appeared in front of them. They didn't even notice. 12 turn into 14 they didn't even notice. "Men, we got to leave," they said. "Why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go."

Here was the strongest implication of this statement. "Stop starring and get to work. You're just go stand here until he come back?" You already asked a question, "When are you coming back?" He said, "No man knows the time of the hour. These are not my things. That belongs to my father." You need to occupy until he comes. You need to get to work. What are we supposed to be doing? He already told you. Disciple people and be witnesses.

Listen, I witness everywhere I go. Whether I say Jesus or not, I am his witness everywhere I go, every-- Listen, I love. You're normally introvert but I do love going outside. When I go outside, I go outside to be a light in a dark world. I'm not standing by waiting for Jesus to come back. I am occupying until he comes. I'm showing God's goodness while he is away so that when he comes back there will be no one that has the excuse, "I didn't see love expressed in my time here on Earth." He's going to come back and be like, "No, that's not the truth because that dude came in here." The little Black dude with curly hair. I do came in here and I remember him talking to you, loving on you, telling you that he was a faithful disciple of Jesus, asking if you would like to come to church. You told him 11 times you would. Never did. I'm here now. When love is expressed like that and we're doing what we're supposed to be doing, that's when revival truly breaks out.

You see, everybody keeps thinking revival is just going to be this spontaneous combustion. You ever shaken a two-liter bottle of Coke? It was the shaking that produced the pressure, that when you twist the cap, it goes everywhere better shake some.

Now I need to say that in 2021.

Some of y'all have not been saved. You all might be like "Ah."

Revival has to start in you. You want to see it happen in the world in the streets and it hasn't even started in you. The Holy Spirit couldn't fall until they stop staring. First sermon that Peter preached, 3000 people got saved. Never would have happened if he just stood there staring. The next breakthrough in your life is not going to happen with you standing here and staring. [laughs] Remember last week-- I want to give you some action. Last week, I mentioned that Teslas were delicious. I'm talking about carrot cake and all that kind of stuff.

I want to show you action. Before I got home, there was a carrot cake on my doorstep from Sawgrass. It was mad creepy y'all. We get home, we don't know who did it. We just get home, there's just a piece of carrot cake on my porch. "Y'all, heard you say carrot cake." Bam. That's the person that ain't staring. I talked about carrot cake and it wound up on my doorstep. I doubt they're going to have a problem listening to Jesus telling him to go do something. Being nudged by the Holy Spirit to say something to somebody, to pray for somebody, to speak a word of encouragement over somebody. Now let me tell you about them Teslas.

I'm a man of faith. I just said Teslas are delicious. I didn't tell nobody to give me one. I wound up with two. Two Teslas arrived at the church for me with a lovely little note that said, "We couldn't afford the real thing but here you go."

It was two die-cast Teslas, not hot wheels. Listen, I don't despise the day of small beginnings.

You're all laughing like, "It's a toy." I'm just glad somebody moved on it. Listen, if I mentioned carrot cake, it came to the door. I mentioned Teslas, somebody said, "I don't have enough cheese, sir, currently in the pockets to bless you with a real one." They sent me two Tesla toys. Those are the types of people that are going to change the world because it don't take much for them to move. I'm tired of seeing Christians with a mandate from God in red.

Angels are not showing up next to you, appearing. People are, souls are and we don't even notice because, "Hope he come back soon." I hope it gets us out of this mess. We need to occupy until he comes. Stop standing around. There is something that God wants to do in and through you that he cannot do through anybody else on Earth, but you. Do not hinder him from using you to do and fulfill his purposes in the earth. Can I tell you that the Holy Spirit in you will never be expressed in another human being for as long as history and time exists.

No one has had the experiences that you've had. They've not come from the family you've come from. They haven't been through the exact same thing that you've been through. The Holy Spirit only has your body to express his love to a certain group of individuals, for as long as you're alive. After you are dead, there will never be another expression of the Holy Spirit in the earth like he had through you.

Do not rob the world, do not rob us, of you because you wanted to do this. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Do not rob us of the opportunity to see the Holy Spirit expressed through you because you were trying to be somebody else. I'd rather get a 100% authentic you than a cheat 20% knockoff of you trying to be somebody else. You bake cookies, bake them to the glory of God. You're an athlete, be an athlete to the glory of God.

You work in the film industry, be in the film industry to the glory of God. You're school teacher, be a school teacher, to the glory of God. You're a stay-at-home mom be a stay-at-home mom to the glory of God. You're a single parent, be a single parent to the glory of God. Be authentically you. You may not reach the world but you'll reach somebody's world. That's our purpose, that's our mandate to upset the world. "I don't have a passport," "Bruh." If you can't go around the world go to the next door.

If you can't upset the world upset a world but stop starring. We got work to do. We got work to do. We got people to reach. There's a whole generation that God's given me a burden for-- Oh, I didn't think I was going to say this out loud. I might as well just throw it out there. I have a burden for teenagers I got never had before in my life. I'm praying about how God wants this church to reach you. This is all I'm going to say right there because if I tell you any more y'all going to be like, "Do it tomorrow." I can't do it tomorrow.

We got to plan it. I have a burden for them. I have a burden to see marriages thrive. I have a burden to see people find their purpose and walk it out with such conviction and boldness that there's nobody that could get in the way of them doing what God has called them to do. Tell me I'm ready to light y'all on fire and unleash you to do things that you never thought you could do in your life.

There are purposes and plans that God has for your life that are going to be exceedingly and abundantly above anything that you have ever asked or thought. There are generational curses that are going to break in your family that will be replaced with generational blessings for the rest of your life [applause] because you took your eyes out of heaven and focused in on God's purpose for your life.

There are people here they're going to wind up changing careers because of God's call. There are going to be people doing things in the kingdom that they never thought they would be doing because they heard the Holy Spirit say, "Go." God's going to open doors for some people in this room to do things that you never thought possible. He will give you influence to speak to the influential and he will give you words that will bring life and not death. That's all coming out of this room. That's all coming out of overflow. That's all coming out of whoever's watching online. Whether you are here or there, God is going to use you to upset the world. This is our why. He's not doing it just for you to get credit. He's doing it so that he gets glory. Make your disciples be his witness. Stop staring because we got work to do. Ladies and gentlemen this concludes your six-week series on Q&A.

I hope it was a blessing too.

Would you bow your heads and close your eyes? What is the Holy Spirit is saying to you through this message? I hope he said something to you that you've listened to. I really do believe that God wants to do something in and through you. It's going to literally change this world. While every head is bowed and every eyes closed what is the Holy Spirit saying to you? Why is he saying it to you?

Now, you may be here or you may be watching online and you've never given your life to Jesus Christ. This is a great day to give your life to Jesus. This is a great day to stop staring at your mistakes, staring at your past, staring at something that is not giving you life being connected or bound to something that is draining you from your purpose and God's plan on your life.

Whether you're here in the overflow. If you haven't given you life to Jesus before you can do it today. Now is the time to confess. Now is the time to commit. My question that I want to ask today is would you be opposed to giving your life to Jesus today? Would you be against making Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? If you've answered no to those two questions, then my next question is simply, what would it take for you to make that commitment today?

What would you need to let go of to make that commitment today? Is it pride? Is it fear? Is it a person? Listen, whether you're watching online or you're in this room or in overflow, if you're ready to open up and make Jesus Christ Lord, would you just raise your hand? I see that hand. Thank you so much. You should be proud to lift it up. I'm giving my life to Jesus today. Forget about it. I'm in. I'm in, now is the day. Thank you.

Thank you. I see that hand. If you're watching online and you want to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life, simply say, just drop it in the chat, I want in. I want in. He will literally come into your life right now. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord, that God raised Him from the dead you are saved. Father, I thank you for every person that's made a decision to come into the kingdom. We know that there's a party happening in heaven, but there's also a celebration that's happening here on earth. Embassy City family, could we just welcome our newest members into the Body of Christ?

I'm so happy for you. Whoo, you just made the best decision of your whole life. Hey, listen. I love you guys so much. It is my honor, my privilege to be your pastor or your other pastor. Whether Embassy City is your church or whether Embassy City is your vitamin E, we are so happy that you celebrated life with us today. Next week is marriage. Y'all get ready. Get ready to take some great notes because I am going in on everybody, Jesus, bless my people. Thank you for this time in Jesus name. Amen. I love you guys.

Tim Ross

Tim Ross is the lead pastor of the multi-ethnic, multi-generational Embassy City Church in Irving, TX. 

Tim speaks both nationally and internationally strengthening believers with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Tim began preaching at the age of 20 years old and has already impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. His dynamic teaching style and uncanny ability to make people understand the gospel message is the reason why he has been such an asset to ministries across cultural and denominational lines.

Tim is happily married to Juliette, his bride since May 1st, 1999 and they have two sons, Nathan and Noah. 


Training Faith - Throwback


Q+A 5: When Do We Do It?