Embassy City Church

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Q+A 3: What Do We Do?

Hey, y’all, I love you… Listen, I just want to say we've been saying it all morning. Whether you decided to be here or you are watching this there, you are in the right place. Here's what I know about you. I know that if you are here, then you're committed to growing in your relationship with God or you just wouldn't have came.

If you're here, I believe that you are committed to giving your time, talent, and treasure to God. I know that if you're here, then you are looking to be connected to the people of God. With all three things said, I believe that you are in the right place. We have been in a series called Q&A. This is week three of that series. If you were here the first weekend, we talked about, "Who are we?" We answered that question.

Last week, we talked about, "Where are we?" We talked about the fact that we need to measure where we are spiritually, we need to measure where we are geographically, and we need to measure where we are relationally. Again, I gave some shout-outs last week. I started to talk about the people that were watching us, not only in the United States but literally around the world.

Those shout-outs seemed to be something people liked because people were like, "That was my comment," even though we didn't give their name. They were just claiming it. That was me. I just thought, "Well, we should probably do some more shout-outs." I'm going to read you three. This may be a part because of the season that we're in that we do every weekend, just people responding to us as we are giving them the word.

I have one that says, "I've been watching during this pandemic and I've been so blessed by all the messages. Thanks for this wonderful reminder of truth of who we truly are in Christ." That's Y. I don't know who Y is, but somebody's going to claim Y. This next one, we moved to Texas to join Embassy City Church during the COVID shutdown and can't wait to attend a service live with our new family." Now, that's Dr. Craig McMullen and his wife and they are right here. They moved here from Colorado to be a part of our family.

I know you don't want to be embarrassed, but just wave at everybody. That way, they know it's you. That's them right there. This last one, "Yay, Kenya made it to the list. Kenya loves you right back. You're my other church." If you guys were here last week, we talked about understanding that this is either the church you believe God has called you to or this is your other church where you receive some vitamins and some nutrients that you may not get from your home church. Are y'all ready to grow?

Say, "Let's grow."

If you're ready to grow, say, "Let's grow."

If you're ready to grow, say let's grow.

If you're ready to grow, say, "Let's grow."

Keep the beat, keep the beat, let's grow.

Okay, hey. Okay, I see y'all. That's good. All right. If you have your Bibles, I need you to go to Matthew 28. Matthew 28, I want to read three verses in your hearing, 18, 19, and 20. If you're taking notes on this message, and you should take notes, why?

Because nerds rule the world, okay? Take notes on this message. If you're taking notes, this is part three. The title of this message is, "What do we do?" Last week was, "Where are we?" This weekend is, "What do we do?" That's a question we want to answer today. What is it that we do? Here's what it says, Matthew 28, starting at the 18th verse, "Jesus came and told His disciples, 'I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you and be sure of this. I am with you always even to the end of the age.'"

Before I even go any further, somebody needs to know that right now. Jesus said that those letters are in red. He is with us always. Bow your heads. Let's pray over the word, shall we? Holy Spirit, give clarity to all of us as it relates to what we have been called to do, Amen. Has anybody ever been asked this question? "Hey, what do you do?" Anybody ever been asked that question? Have you ever gone to maybe a social gathering or an event and after you give the pleasantries and maybe exchange names and where you came from, one of the questions inevitably is, "Hey, what do you do?"

When somebody asks that question, they're trying to get a context of who you are, what you're passionate about, what you're interested in. Those answers are very, very diverse. They are very, very varied. [chuckles] Very, very, varied, V-A-R-I-E-D. We do a lot of things. When it comes to what we do here at Embassy City Church, the question that we need to ask, the question that we need to answer for people is, what is it that we do? Now, every single church has a specific assignment.

Every single church has something that they have been called to do. Based on what it is that God has called us to do, I believe we need to answer this question once and for all and it should not be confusing my hope, my prayer, my dream, is that by the end of this year, over 75% of the people that call Embassy City Church home will be able to answer this question without even thinking about it. Are you ready for the answer?

Because it's a very simple answer. It's only four words. You know how some people have vision statements and mission statements and it's so long and chunky and verbose, you can't remember it? They're like, "Hey, what is our church meant to do?" "We are here to reach everybody at the same time all the time and give them discipleship and make sure they love Jesus and there's something else to it, but I can't remember, but that's about it."

I don't want us to go through that. I'm going to make this real, real simple, okay? When somebody asks you the question, "What is it that you do?" here's your answer. Four words, "We upset the world." That's what we do. If anybody ever asked you, "What does Embassy City Church do?" your answer is what?

We upset the world.


We upset the world.

Little John, what?

We upset the world.

Take some of you all back. You all weren't ready to go back there, okay? This is what we do, we upset the world. That's it. We upset the world. That is all we do. We show up every weekend to upset someone's world. We provide content online and on-demand because we want to upset someone's world. The way we live out our lives Monday through Saturday is to upset people's world.

That's why we were put here. This is our assignment. We upset the world. Somebody might ask you, "What do you mean by that? What do you mean by we upset the world?" Well, I'm glad you asked that question. This is the three points that I want to give you. When somebody asked you, "What do you do?" your answer is what?

We upset the world.

When they say, "Well, what do you mean by that?" Point number one, please write this down. It means that we want to see people far from God and near to God come back to God. When we say that we want to upset the world, what we are saying is we want to see people far from God and near to God come back to God. Here's what it says in Ephesians 2:17. We read this last week, "He brought this good news of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from Him and peace to the Jews who are near."

I talked about this at length last week but just as a recap. When we talk about reaching people, we understand that those of us that are Gentiles-- and Gentile simply means that we cannot trace back our lineage and our heritage to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We're Gentiles. Gentiles are far away from God and that they never had a covenant with God to begin with. We want to see people come back to God that are far away from Him.

To Jewish people, the people that Jesus was sent to, He came to His own and His own received Him not. To those Jewish people that have yet to receive their Messiah, Yeshua, we want to see them come back to God as well. We want to see those far from God and near to God come back to God. The most broadest and specific way I can let you know that is based on Scripture with Jews and Gentiles, but here is another caveat I like to drop on you.

I want to see people far from God who've never heard about the love of Jesus. Near to God, those that have heard about the love of Jesus, I want to see them come back to God too. Let me zoom in a little bit more. I would love to see an atheist come back to Jesus, an agnostic come back to Jesus. I would also love to see people that have been in church all their life come to Jesus.

An agnostic, atheist, somebody that grew up in a different religion far from God, I want to see them come back. I want to see some people that have been in church all their life checking the box but have never given their life to Jesus come back to God. About three or four years ago, I was preaching a message and we had an individual on staff whose whole family came to church. His father came to our church and his father was in his 70s. I did this sermon. At the end of the sermon-- This is great.

At the end of the sermon, his dad walks up and gives his life to Jesus. We celebrated it, but his son was confused. They drove home and there was an awkward silence. He didn't want to bring it up in front of the whole family. When they got in the house, he got a few moments alone with his dad and he said, "Dad, I just want to clarify something. You know that salvation call, I saw you go up. Did you need prayer for something else? You just went up with the salvation people?"

He was like, "No, Son. I gave my life to Jesus." He was like, "Well, Dad, I'm confused. All these years that I've known you, you've been in church. All these years that I've known you, what I've heard you tell me is that you gave your life to Christ in 1974, so is this a recommitment?" He goes, "No, Son. This is my first commitment." He said, "Here's what I realized while Tim was preaching. The Holy Spirit told me that I never gave my life to Jesus. I gave my life to my denomination."

"I committed my life to a certain way that people experienced God, but I never actually gave my life to Jesus. For the first time today, I can truly say after being in church all of my life, I just gave my life to Jesus." Far from God, near to God, coming to God. I don't want you to stay far, but I don't want you to stay near either. I want you in a relationship with God. Wouldn't it be crazy if I referred to my marriage as a near marriage? Wouldn't you all have some questions?

"Hey, I see you got a ring on your finger. How long have you been married?" "I'm nearly married."

"What do you mean 'nearly married'?" "Well, I see her once a week. I talk to her on Sundays. Sometimes when I'm in trouble, I'll call her throughout the week. If it's a real bad week, I want her over, but I want her with me." If everything's going good, I average-- Well, if I'm being serious, I average maybe twice a month. If she does a video, I'll watch it. If it's too long, I won't though.

If it goes over 30 minutes, I got other stuff to do. I can't be-- I don't know. I want to see people far from God and near to God come back to God. Let me tap dance on that little watching thing for a minute since we got people here and there, far and near. I'm watching y'all. I'm watching your averages on YouTube. You know I'd be talking at least 30 to 40 minutes, but you average 18 minutes. If you're going to start, then finish it.

You caught up on Bridgerton.

You binge-watch Breaking Bad again.

You can scroll for three hours on Instagram. Finish the sermon. Just finish it. Just finish it. If you're going to start it, finish it. Alpha and Omega that thing. You hear me?

Don't you give up in the middle of that thing. I'm telling you. All right.

All right, I feel you. Amen. Shoot that off. I'm good now. You all good?

All right. Y'all ready to grow?

Say, "Let's go."

All right. Here we go. Point number two, please write this down. What do you mean by that? Somebody asked you that question. Point number two, we want to show God's goodness to unbelievers and make believers ambassadors of Jesus Christ. We'll say that again. We want to show God's goodness to unbelievers and we want to make believers ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Let me say this again one more time. We want to show God's goodness to unbelievers and we make believers ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Here's what it says in 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are not like that for you are a chosen people." We are a chosen people. Look at your neighbor and say, "I'm chosen."

Get your other neighbor and say, "That's right.

I'm chosen.

You are a royal priest. You are a royal priest to a holy nation, God's very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God for He called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. Just stay right there for a minute. I love that part. As a result, as a result of what? As a result of you being chosen, royal, holy, God's very own possession, you can show others the goodness of God for He called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. When I talk about this, the fact that what we do is we show God's goodness to unbelievers. We make it our objective to upset people's world by just being nice.

You want to show God's goodness to unbelievers. It will be more about what you do than what you say. We live in a very cynical world. We live in a very distrusting environment. The more you can just show God's goodness, the more you start breaking off stereotypes as it relates to what it means to be a true believer in Jesus Christ. I wear people out. I'm so nice to people. Oh, my goodness, I'm so nice to people. I'm nice to people that I don't want to be nice to. That's how I know the Holy Spirit lives in there because I feel like "I want to slap you so bad, but this Jesus in me keeps reaching out in love." Just be nice. When you go out to dinner, tip well. Please don't witness to that person and leave $3.

You are the worst evangelist of all time.

Just hush. If you're not going to do that, just hush. The way we show God's goodness to unbelievers is by what we do more than what we say. You start wearing them down with what you do and they'll start going, "You're so nice. Where's all that coming from?" I went to a pop-up store the other day. Oh, my goodness, I'm about to give some free advertising for this delectable treat called microchip cookies. If you don't know about it, write it down in your notes.

Microchip cookies, all right? These microchip cookies, they found a way to put a cookie-- Just like the chocolate chip ones, they literally just put a cookie around a Hershey's Kiss. It's ridiculous. It's literally the crack of cookies, okay? It's wrong and it's right. I went into the store, the pop-up stores in South Lake. I walked in and the lady was like, "Hi," and I was like, "Hello."

I was like, "Are you having a good day? I hope you are because I'm here for your cookies." She was like, "Oh, my goodness. This energy, I need it. Oh, thank you so much. No one has come in here as nice as you." We had this great conversation and then I was like, "Listen, please tell the owners of this thing that, basically, I'm from the hood and cocaine was a big problem. Then when they found a way to put it into crack, that's what had people doing this. This is basically what your cookies have done to my family." She was like, "Oh, my goodness." She was turning red blushing like, "Oh, this is the greatest compliment, I think, of all time."

"Oh my gosh," so then she starts laughing hysterically, almost to the point of tears. She goes, "I cannot wait to tell my mom and my aunt what you said." The owners is her aunt and her mom. She was like, "I just came down here from Colorado. I don't know if I'm going to stay. I might move back, but who knows?" I'm like, "Hey, you never know what God has plans," and she was like, "You're right."

I bought my cookies and left. I don't know if she's a believer or not, but I'm just showing God's goodness. I have joy. That's the fruit of the Spirit. I have love. That's the fruit of the Spirit. I have kindness. That's the fruit of the Spirit. I did not evangelize her, "Oh, yes, you're down here from Colorado. We're not going to church right down the street. It's only about 17 minutes away from here, especially if you catch all the green lights."

"Would you want to come and maybe perhaps see if God might open--" Listen, I'm just chipping away at people. I'm led by the Spirit as to whether I'm going to profess something about Jesus Christ, but at all times, I got to be nice. That's my default position. As the ambassador of heaven, I got to be nice and not just with people that are nice with you. I'll never forget, Juliet and I were traveling back from overseas.

Hi, baby. Juliet is at home. Hi, baby. I love you so much. Nathan and Noah and mommy. I love you over there. Mama and Daddy, I know you're watching. I love you over there. We were in the airport on an international flight and I walked up to the register and I said, "Hey, are there any more seats in business class?" There was only one seat that was open and so I said, "Okay, give it to Juliet." The guy was very like-- You could tell he had a long day. He was worn out by all the travelers. Juliet always, "No, baby, you take it."

"I'm not going out like that. You are my wife. I'm going to be in business and you're going to be in regular? No. You take business class. I'll go sit in coach." I said, "Hey, sir, I just want you to know. You might be having a bad day, but I appreciate the fact that you even got my wife in business and don't worry about me. I'll be fine with a coach ticket." It was that basic. We walked away and 15 minutes later right when we were about to board, he goes, "Hey, come here," and he hands me a business class ticket.

I just told you what my exchange was. "Hey, sir, I know you're probably having a bad day. Just thanks for getting my wife in." I wasn't like, "You know what I'm praying for you, sir? I know these passengers can wear you out, but I believe the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. I believe that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every time that rise up against you, thou shalt condemn." I believe that you would have head and not the tail above and not beneath. I believe breakthrough is coming for you." "Oh, I feel it, Jesus. I believe breakthrough."

No, none of that. None of that happened. None of that happened. I was just basically nice. I was tired too. I was like, "Just get hurry and I'm good." I want to put a business class ticket next to my boo because nice goes a long way. That's what we do to unbelievers. For believers, we make you ambassadors. It is great that you came into a relationship with Jesus, but it's not enough.

We need to activate it. This is what our chief apostle Jesus said in Matthew 28. Go make disciples. Make them something. Make them like you. Here's what it says in 2 Corinthians 5:20, "We are Christ's ambassadors. God is making us appeal through us. We speak for God. We speak for Christ when we plead, 'Come back to God'." It's those first five words. We are Christ's ambassadors. Say it, "We are Christ's ambassadors." Again, "We are Christ's ambassadors."

We're not representing ourselves. We are representing Himself. We represent Jesus to the world, which is why I can't give you my opinion on anything because ambassadors can only repeat what the home country has said. Anytime somebody wants to talk to me about what's going on politically or what's going on racially or what's going on with justice and all that kind of stuff, they're like, "Well, what are your thoughts?"

I was like, "I don't have a thought. The Bible does. I can point you to what the Bible says and I can repeat what the--" "Oh come on, but you though." "What I have to say really doesn't matter, especially in this climate because everybody is saying something. Everybody got a voice." This is the side effect. The negative side effect of social media is great that we get to be connected, but everybody got something to say about everything, everything.

Wear the wrong thing, somebody's got something to say. Say the wrong thing, somebody's got something to say. Post the wrong thing, somebody's got something to say. It is so funny after every-- I don't know who it is. Let me look at this camera. Okay, let's go. Hey, I love you. The person that, within seven minutes of our sermon being done, gives us the thumbs-down, ooh, I love you. You humble me so much. Just when I thought it was the best sermon of all time, bam.

Julia does unpack-- All she's doing is unpacking the message. Somebody's like, "Bam." "Hey, what did you unpack?"

I can't let any of that move me. None of that can be, "Oh my goodness. I got a thumbs-down. Let me reconsider my life's call." The only time I feel like a sermon has been bad is if I haven't obeyed what God has told me to say.

All of the content will resonate with all of the people all the time. If I obey what God told me to say I'm on good ground, then I can preach another weekend. That's what it's about. We make believers ambassadors of Jesus Christ. I will not rest till you grow up. You got to understand. Please understand what I'm saying to you. If you don't want to grow, this is not your church.

If you want to stay the same, this is not your church. If you want to be petty, this is not your church. If you want to be political, this is not your church. [chuckles] Hoo, I'm going to grub that one in. I'm going to say that one again slow. If you want to be political, this is not your church, entiende? This cannot be your church. We make disciples here, not politicians.

We make ambassadors here. This is what we are called to do. "What do you do?" "We upset the world." "What do you mean by that?" Point number three, please write this down. Somebody might want you to elaborate on, "What do you mean by we upset the world? What do you mean by that?" Well, I'm glad you asked. We want to upset the world with the message, love, and hope of Jesus Christ. We want to upset people's world with the message, the love, and the hope of Jesus Christ.

Again, we want to upset the entire world with the message, the love, and the hope of Jesus Christ. Here's what it says in Acts 17:6, "Not finding them there--" This is the angry Jewish mob that was looking for Paul and Silas. "Not finding them there, Paul and Silas, they dragged out Jason and some other believers instead and took them before the city council." It's so funny to me. "Paul and Silas have caused trouble all over the world," they shouted, which is what I did. [chuckles]

"Now, they are here disturbing our city too." That one verse is one of the most prophetic verses in all of Scripture. It's one that is exaggerated and prophetic at the same time. "Paul and Silas have caused trouble all over the world. Now, they are here disturbing our-- They made it here. They made it here. They're disturbing our city. They made it here. We heard about it over there, but they made it here. They're here disturbing our city too." "Cause trouble" in the Greek literally means to upset.

Now, when we hear the word "upset," we think getting mad, getting frustrated. The word "upset" by definition literally means to turn over, to turn something upside down. Anyone that's coming to a relationship with Jesus Christ had their life turned upside down. Anybody that is committed to a life with Jesus Christ will have their life turned upside down. You were born in sin.

You're born again into salvation, into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Your life got turned upside down. When we say we want to upset people's world, we're not talking about running around making people mad although the gospel can be offensive to a hardened heart, then what are we saying? We're saying that one of the ways that we turn people's life upside down is with the message. The message alone.

That good, old gospel message is the epitome of good news. You have never had better news in your entire life than hearing that someone died for you. You have never in your whole life-- there hasn't been a bonus you received, a promotion you've obtained, a yes you've gotten from the person you wanted to marry, approval for the car loan at a very good interest rate, moving into the house that you want to.

You have never received better news. There's someone telling you that God loved you so much, He sent His Son to die on a cross for your sins. That's good news. I want to upset people's world with that news. Sinners love good news. They hate bad news. When you give somebody this news, make sure it's good. "You're going to hell," that ain't good news.

"Do you know you go bust hell wide?"

"Do you know that God literally wants to stomp you, rub you in, and cast you in the outer darkness, forever begging right?" That's not good news. If somebody ever told me that anywhere, I'd be like--

Did anybody asked you all that? Good news is somebody died for you. Somebody is madly in love with you and they sent their own child to die for you. That's good news. We want to reach them with that message. We want to reach them with the love. Do you know that love is still the most powerful thing on the entire planet? It wears people out. That's why Jesus said, "Love your enemies." Why? It wears them out.

They don't know what to do with you. When you're mad at them, they expect you to get mad back. "Thank you, Holy Spirit." "Yes, okay, I will." Some people love drama. They just love it. They don't feel good unless they're in a conflict in their argument and they're shouting and there's somebody mad at them. The best way to destroy and disrupt that thing that they're feeding off of, don't give it back. "Hate you," "Love you."

"Can't stand you," "Praying for you." "Never going to talk to you again. You don't exist," "I see you."

I know it sounds a little stalkerish, but it's real. Love on them. It's something that you grow to do, the more that you submit to the Holy Spirit. The more you're submitted to the Holy Spirit, the easier unlovable people are to love. You can't do it if they feel a lot of you present. The more you die and the more Christ comes up and out of you, you just start loving on people, "Man, I understand. I get it. I used to be like you."

"But I got on the cross and bled out and died, so here we are. I love you." Lastly, we give hope. We turn people's lives upside down with the message, the love, and the hope of Jesus. He is coming back. The Savior of the world that ascended into glory in Acts 1 is coming back. I know some people think He's coming back in six months. Some people have tried to get all the way down to a date. It will be September 22rd of 2024 whenever he comes back. I don't care when it is. I just want to be ready. My hope is secure that whether I hear a trumpet sound or I die prior to that, I'm going to join a cloud of witnesses that through the same fate got to meet their savior face to face. That's my hope.

That's why it doesn't matter who wins an election or loses an election because my hope has never been built on who is in that house. My hope is built on who is in God's house.

This country will always have a president for four to eight years. I'm going to have my king for eternity.

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but holy trust in Jesus' name. On Christ, the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. The money sinks, the house sinks, the life sinks. Everything else sinks, except the ground, the foundation of Jesus Christ. I got on my peloton this morning. I was ready for y'all.

I'm about that life. What do we do?

We upset the world.

Hey, y'all, what do we do?

We upset the world.

Hey, y'all, looking online, write it in a check. What do we do?

Upset the world.

I told them to write it in the check.

Listen, God has given us a mandate. God has given us an anointing. This house has an anointing to see people's lives turned upside down with the message of love and hope of Jesus Christ. If anybody wants to know, "Hey, what's the vision of your church?" We upset the world. "Really nice. What's the mission of your church?" We upset the world. "Great. Hey, what's the purpose of your church?" We upset the world.

"What do you mean by that?" We mean that we want to see people far from God and near to God come back to God. "Oh, that's really good. What else do you mean by that?" Oh, that just means that we want to show God's goodness to unbelievers and make believers ambassadors of Jesus Christ. That's what that means. That's what that means. "What do you mean when you say you want to upset the world? It sounds like you're mad. I'm a little concerned. I don't like being upset that much."

Oh, don't worry about that. That just means that we want to see people's lives turned upside down with the message of love and hope of Jesus Christ. "Any more questions? Not this week." Come back next week and we'll talk about more. Would you bow your heads and close your eyes? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? "Hey, what's the meaning to your life?" Maybe the question God is asking you today is, "Have you found the meaning of your life?"

You want your life to have meaning? Get connected to a house. Get connected to a purpose. Get connected to a vision. Get connected to a mission. Sorry, we use the word "we" and not "I" or "you." It's "us." We have a purpose. We have a mission. We have a vision and it's to upset the world. As you're allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to you right now, perhaps there is something in your life that you have yet to give God permission to turn over.

If the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about that now, it would be a great time to open up and let Him in. Listen, you might be here today. You might be watching me live or on-demand. You might say, "I'm far from God. I know it. I didn't grow up in a Christian home. The stuff I did see was really strange and so I'm just kind of out here," or you might be somebody that's very, very near, "I grew up in church, but I never made that commitment myself."

I want to ask you this question. When every head bowed and every eye closed, whether you are in this sanctuary or you're watching us right now, would you be opposed to giving your life to Christ today? Would you be against surrendering your life to Christ today? If you answered no to that question in your heart, the next question I want to ask you is, what would it take for you to make that decision today?

What would it take for you? Would it take you laying down pride? Would it take you laying down a little bit of your ego? Would it take you laying down fear? What would it take for you today? If you're ready to lay that down and make a commitment to Jesus Christ, then according to Romans 10:9, "If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Change your mind, repent about the way that you've been living, and make Jesus Christ Lord. Every head is still bowed. Every eye is still closed. If you've made that decision in your heart with every head bowed and every eye closed, would you just raise your hand? I just want to know if you're in here. Thank you. I see you all. Raise it up higher. You should be proud if you gave your life to-- Thank you. I love you.

I'm so excited for you. If you have made that decision online, would you just type? If you're watching live, type "citizen" in the chat. I just became a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. Angels are rejoicing with you right now. You have no idea. They're having a full-on party for you right now. Hey, y'all, open your eyes real quick. I saw at least five hands go up that gave their life to Jesus Christ. Can we just welcome them into the kingdom of God?

So grateful, so proud of you all. Listen, I love you guys so much. Thank you for riding with us. Even through these challenges we have with wearing a mask and all that kind of stuff, you all make me so proud. Every week, you all just make me so proud and I'm excited to see where God takes us next week. I'll see you soon. Peace.