Change is Coming, Week 1


Tim Ross: We're starting a new series this weekend called Change is coming. For you to understand the change that is coming, we literally have to go back a year ago to September 26th, 2021, when my friend Charlotte Gambill came.

Congregation: Yes.

Tim: How many people were here for that word? Yes. Let's go back in time, just over a year ago, and hear what God spoke to both Juliet and myself, and this entire Embassy City family.


Charlotte Gambill: I know I'm family, so I now have permission to do what it is that I believe God's asked me to do. I wonder if Tim and Juliet, you could come up here, and your beautiful mentors that are here today. I wonder if you could come up too. Sometimes you just realize that this is not a coincidence, right? We didn't plan that we'd all be in town at the same weekend. It just is how it happened. I just think there's something significant about this moment because I think you guys believed in them at a very pivotal moment.

I think it's interesting how they're here today. I believe you have a pivotal moments ahead of you in the coming years and months. I think that God has sent to you the same voice that believed in you back there to believe in you again because sometimes you just need reminding of the thing that God said to you that he hasn't stopped saying to you, but there's a change of battery. There is change of battery in your leadership, there is a change of battery in your calling. There is change of battery in the season ahead.

At the change station, at the change point, it's good to have someone that had to hold the ladder as you're trying to change the battery to steady it. When you feel it like, "Should I change the battery or shouldn't I?" In my spirit, I hear the beep, beep. I hear that that beep, beep it's time, it's time. You're going to know what's the right thing and what's the wrong thing because God's going to make you really clear. Really clear because God opens doors and he also shuts doors.

You don't need to over-worry about what it is and what it is for you both, and what it looks like. I think God in this season is just going to go, "Just trust me like you did in last season." In this moment, as you as a couple, and this church as your family, six years, and now you're ready for the next season of what God had. That was a season of preparation. This is now a season of participation in some things that God has had to hold back for you to be ready for this next season.

In the readiness of yes and amen. In your heart, God's like, "I'll lead like I didn't last season. You don't need to lead this, I'll lead this." You can trust and you can rest in that. When batteries are being changed, that affects everybody.

Congregation: Yes.

Charlotte: When a leader's batteries is being changed, when there's a new charge in their spirit, when there's a new sense of assignment on them, that means everybody in the house where that battery, they also hear the beep, beep. They're like, "Go for it. We don't want the house to burn down, change the battery," right? That's why together, we all have to bring our, "Oh." We have to bring our faith and your pastors faithfully every week bring to you what God has given them to feed you. Guess what, you also have to bring to them the encouragement and the prayers, and the support for what they need to keep doing what they are called to do.


I would love us to pray right now. I would love it not to be my words but the words of people that have, for many years, prayed over your pastors and leaders. Just to pray blessing over them. Just to pray a sense of just God's hand on them. Just to pray protection over them, and to God to do what only God can do because God has always seen. He's always seen. He's seen what you've not let anybody else see. God is a rewarder of those that honor. God always brings devil for any trouble.

Congregation: That's right.

Charlotte: The preparation season is a tough one because you don't realize quite how much changing of batteries have to go on. It has taken a while to charge this battery up because it was flat. It's taking a lot. Sometimes it's felt like the paddles to volt you back. Those days are done. You don't need voltage like that anymore because you've discovered something about staying charged up in peace and in His presence. That's your gift now to this house. You don't need to worry about having to put the paddles on this house.

That God is going to help you trickle-feed this house because there's an ability that you've learned in this season. Now the battery can change in you so that it can change the vehicle God has entrusted to you. I'm excited because you've waited out the preparation. Most people try and force something before it's time but it takes the beep, beep to know when it's time. That's because they are close to the beep, beep. I'm going to ask you guys to come and pray over this incredible couple that you believed in all that way back. It's no different today. You just know what God's hand is up. Amen. Let's all join in prayer right now. Thank you, God. Thank You, Jesus.

Congregation: Thank you.

[speaking in tongues] Father, I thank you for the spirit of seeing and knowing that, Father, you will cause a word of wisdom and a word of knowledge, and the discerning of spirits to flow through this couple at a level that they've here to for not seen. Father, I thank you that they will speed by the Spirit of God. They will by the Spirit of God, and they will see by the Spirit of God. My Lord, [speaking in tongues] On knowing their eyes to see.

[speaking in tongues] Call their eyes to see. Calls their ears to hear things that the natural man does not understand or comprehend. Father, they will walk in a realm of the spirit that, Father, will cause them to walk in a realm of rest. Father, we lay our hands on them. Father, we thank you for an increase in the things of God that they've here before not known but they'll walk in it with confidence, and with a greater degree of grace.

Father, we thank you. We thank you that out of their bellies, Lisa, lay your hand over belly. Out of their belly calls rivers of living water to flow out of them in a greater measure. Father, we thank you that even as the river rise, may it rise from their ankles to their knees. Father, may that river be a river that they swim in. In the name of Jesus. Father, we add our faith, we add our agreement. Father, we thank you in the name of Jesus for a greater measure, [speaking in tongues] in the name of Jesus be itself. In the name of Jesus.

Father, we praise You. We thank you. Let it flow even now, in the name of Jesus. We praise you, and thank you for it. Father, may this congregation be the recipients of the blessing that flows from these wells.

Congregation: Yes God.

In the name of Jesus. We draw from these wells that you place on the inside of them. May there flow a river of anointing that they've not experienced up to this moment, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Hallelujah.


Tim: [chuckles] The first thing that Juliet said when that video came on was, "I have on the same pants right now."


"I didn't even know it. I prophetically wore the same pant." No, she didn't. She didn't say prophetically. I thought that was hilarious. I'm the type of person, I like to be very, very straightforward. Then I like to give context after I'm straightforward. It's taken us one year to process that word. From last year until now, it's taken us a whole year to process it. It was a very public word. We all heard it. Juliet and I nodded. We were like, "Hey, man, that's fantastic. Thank you, Jesus." Four days later, I got up at 5;00 AM to have my prayer time. The Holy Spirit said, "I need you to pull up that word."

I listened to it again. I literally thought that somebody overdubbed Charlotte's voice because I heard something I did not hear that day. What the Holy Spirit told me that four days later was that my season as a lead pastor was coming to an end. That the battery was changing in our leadership for what he wanted us to do next. I panicked. The guy that was praying for us, Pastor Jerome and Lisa, I called him at six in the morning. Central Standard was about 7:00 AM Eastern time. As soon as he picked up the phone, I was like, "I thought the Lord told me to give off the church and I don't know what to do in my life."

He was like, "Calm down. What are you saying?" I was like, "I don't know, man. I don't know what I'm saying." Over the next few weeks and months, the Holy Spirit made it very, very clear that our season as lead pastors of this church was coming to an end. I spoke with the local elders of our church. I spoke with the apostolic elders of our church. I spoke with Robert Morris who sent us to plant this church. Obviously, I spoke with Juliet about it. I was waiting for somebody to be like, "Yes, no, that's the devil for sure." Nobody said that.

Juliet Ross: I probably said it a few times.

Tim: Yes, Juliet was like, "What?" The more we prayed about it, the clear it became and we knew that we could either accept the change that was coming or be disobedient. There's only two options when God speaks. Obey Him or disobey Him. Some people might think there's a third option. Partially obey Him. Complete disobedience. As we began to pray and talk, God made it clear that what's next for us is to be apostolic missionaries strengthening ministries, marriages, and mentoring people.

We will still do it from this house. We are not leaving this church. This is still going to be our home church. This is still going to be home base. I don't think there's any greater church in the world to go to from here. I love this church. Around January of '21, Juliet and I were on the same page. We were like, "Okay, by January, by January." I'm skipping October, November, and December because Juliet would have a full-length commentary on how she felt during that time.

Juliet: Don't get me started.

Tim: I feel what's important for you to know is that God spoke a word and we're being obedient to that word. There is no illegality. There is no immorality. I am not up here confessing that I did something wrong and I have to step down.


My wife is right next to me. My best friend who has served as an elder all seven years is here. His wife that just stood up will fight anybody in here. There's no man about to pop out of the bushes and be like, "I slept with him." There's no woman about to pop out of the bushes with a text message that says, "I got him." We didn't steal no money. I don't have no inappropriate text messages.


Juliet: Nothing is about to come out.

Tim: Nothing is about to come out. I'm not trying to dodge a bullet. God spoke in public last year and we're obeying what he told us to do.

Juliet: You're on a roll. Keep going.

Tim: Okay. Let's all take a deep breath in then, shall we? Let it out. One more time again. Let it out. Now it's like, "Then what's about to happen? What is we going to do? I just got here."


"I just moved here because I just found out about you a year ago. Started listening to the basement and realized you was close, and then I just got here and now you leaving. What kind of okey dokey is this? What kind of trick is God playing?" He's not playing no games, man. He knew about this before you did and He called you here. My voice is what may have gotten you here but it's going to have to be God's voice that keeps you here.


If you're only here because you're a fan of me, then when my season ends as lead pastor, your season's going to end too, and I hope you find another favorite. If He's called you here, then we are all accepting the change. Not just us, all of us. Who coming? If you ain't going to be the pastor, who going to be the pastor. It better be somebody we like.


How come I ain't getting no vote? Did nobody asked me. Church I grew up in, we do a vote. This ain't that church. We don't do votes in this church.


God speaks. In March of this year, I had to have some emergency place to go preach-- From January. There's been emergencies everywhere, which is part of that apostolic call. Do y'all realize I've only been here four and a half months this year?

Congregation: Yes.

Tim: Okay. Y'all have noticed?

Juliet: Can I say something really quick? What you all don't really know is that he does his best to make it important to be here on Sundays, but Monday through Saturday, he's often gone and traveling, and ministering, and helping other church leaders lead, and helping other church leaders get stabilized, and helping other church leaders not fall off the cliff. Then he tries to come back here on Sundays and leads you all. Then Mondays through Saturdays, he's out again. This is what has happened. I've been with him, what, 24 years.

This has been the brunt of our marriage. As for the last seven years, he has definitely tried to maintain Embassy City, yet still doing this increased work. In this process, even with this change coming, I want you to know that this actually isn't anything new that he's been doing. The call and the demand on his life has increased. Because of the increase, it's a very difficult, if we're being very honest, to balance this and do that. I know in my heart what I sense and feel, what we will be doing is an even more increased work, not a better work.

It's not a higher calling. It's just an increase in what we're already doing. Nothing is better than the other. It's just more demand. You have to create bandwidth and you have to create space. It's unfair to you to lack. We don't want to give you less than 100% and then try to give them less than 100%. We know and we sense that God is shifting-- Remember this, shifting us for an increased work because the burden has increased greatly. As he was saying, even from January of this year, you've hardly seen him. You've hardly seen him because this year in '22, it has increased all the more.

Tim: It wasn't intentional. Obviously, we know in hindsight now that God structured this year to wean you off of me. I ain't even know it. This is the first weekend. This is the 10th month but I've only been in the pool pit on this platform, 4 and a half out of 10 months. In March, the Holy Spirit laid a young man on my heart to come preach. I've been mentoring him for about four years. He never even crossed my mind to come preach. I had him come preach and the Holy Spirit just said, "Pay attention to him." I said, "Okay."

He came and he preached. I listened to the message. What caught me by surprise, obviously, he was sound theologically, he preached the word. He didn't call Moses David, he didn't call [laughter] You know what I'm saying? He didn't say Daniel split the Red Sea. He didn't say that there were five people in the Godhead. He didn't butcher the text. What I noticed more than anything in his preaching is how you laughed. I just thought to myself, "The only other people they laugh for that like is me. Okay." Then independent, God put that same person in her heart that he was putting in my heart. We had never talked about it.

Juliet: We had not talked about it at all. I said to him, "Sweetheart." Now, let me be very clear in this process over this last year. We all know Tim Ross is the crier. He's very emotional and I'm not. I'll be sucking it up because I'm a G like that.


Oh my gosh. You got to laugh at stuff like this. You got to laugh. I want you to know I have cried more tears this entire year over you all. I have never grieved and been sad about anything more than this. I want you to know that this year hasn't been very fun. It just hasn't been fun. I say often God will have you do hard things. He won't have you do impossible things. This is hard. This is a hard thing and it has been a hard thing, and it has been a very, very difficult thing to carry. It has been but we still rather be obedient to His word, even in the hard thing.

Tim and I hadn't talked about who we felt, because I had been sad and I'd been crying. One day we had been doing a lot of talking, a lot of talking. I said to him, "Baby, I want to talk to you tonight. I want to talk to you about who the Lord has put in my heart." We had a date to talk that night. Then what happened?

Tim: Yes. We had a date to talk. Well, I won't say everything that happened on the date, but this part of the date-


Tim: -because when you grieve and you got to comfort yourself, you know what I'm saying? You just got to.

Juliet: Stay on the paths. Stay on the paths. Stay on the path.

Tim: I'm just saying, you know what I'm saying? It's just important to get you some while you--if you married--

Juliet: I said stay on the paths.

Tim: While you transitioning. That's all I'm saying in Jesus' name. We was talking and I said, "Baby, I feel like Tim Rivers is the person-- you all should turn up right there. We should. That's what I'm talking about, turn up. I said, "I feel like Tim Rivers is the person." She was like--

Juliet: I said, "Baby, that's exactly what I was going to say to you." Now mind you, I only met-- now, Ross had been mentoring him for probably three or four years. Is that correct?

Tim: Yes.

Juliet: I had only met them once prior. That was way before any of this, it was pretty much earlier on in the year. Before any of this prophetic word. Before anything that what Charlotte said. We went to dinner and we walked out of the restaurant, and I turned to Tim and I said, "Baby, I really liked them. I just I like them. I'm comforted by them."

Tim: I was shocked because Juliet, this is a direct quote, "Juliet don't do new people." When she says she liked them, I was like, "What?". She was like, "They can come to the house." I was like, "What?" Yes, I was shocked.

Juliet: I told Tim the other day, all of his friends ain't all of my friends.


Tim: Then I--

Juliet: I'm not a fan of all of his friends.

Tim: Then I corrected her to say that I just know a lot of people who said they was my friends.

Juliet: [laughs] I said, "They really think they're your best friend." [laughs] Not everybody can I say that about, because everybody's Christian, but not everybody is Christ-centered and Christ-focused, and Christ-led, and as submitted to the Lord. A lot of it is in Word, not in deed.

Tim: Yes.

Juliet: I got all of that. If you spend just time with people, they'll let you know where they are.

Tim: Yes, they will.

Juliet: Just that one dinner let me know quite a bit about them and my spirit was at peace. That was all I said to Tim about them. It was not until March again that we had that conversation. It was probably, I would say about a year later because it was about March of--

Tim: 2020.

Juliet: That we had that dinner. In '21, that's when I told him. No, no. March of '22, '21 to '22.

Tim: Roger that. Yes, you're right.

Juliet: Year later, '21, we had the dinner, '22 is when I said, "I feel like it's supposed to be them." Now, mind you, we have a lot of friends-- no, Tim has a lot of friends. He has a lot of ministry friends that could have been potential or not. He has a lot of ministry friends. Let me be clear on that. We wanted to know who God wanted here. Who was God's choice? Not somebody we know, just who we hang out with. No, who was God's man.

Tim: Yes. Here's what I know this, obviously, this is my first-time transition in church as a lead pastor but I do feel like I have a PhD in transition. From the time that God spoke to me about transitioning from California, me submitting that to my mom and my dad, and them blessing me to come here, to the time that I left, transitioned from Potter's House and then transition from Gateway, and now here.

Juliet: I'm tired of all your dreams.

Tim: Here's what I-- [laughter]

Juliet: I'm only kidding, baby. I'm only kidding.

Tim: Here's what I know. There is a difference between a successor and a replacement.

Juliet: That's right.

Tim: God chooses your successor. You get to choose your replacement. If it's God's choice, he or she will succeed. If it's your choice, it's on you. There was no vote, there was no American Idol search.

Juliet: Prayer.

Tim: We prayed, God spoke because Tim was serving as an executive pastor at High Ridge Church in Fort Worth, I had to sit down with his pastor to get permission to speak to him because had I not, it would've been tampering. The whole process would've been illegal and God couldn't have smiled on it at all. I went to go talk to the pastor, and he said to me-- Wait a minute. I met with him on a Friday at the Cheesecake Factory in Arlington. He said, "You're asking permission to talk to Tim about this position?" I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "He doesn't know about this?" I said, "No, sir."

He said, "He doesn't know we're meeting right now about this?" I said, "No, sir." He said, "If I called him right now, he wouldn't know what this is about?" I said, "No, sir, why would I ever do that?" He goes, "Tim, I've always known you to be a person of integrity, but this takes the cake." He said, "Because you know in this realm, most people would just poach, they just snatch. They would use their influence that they have in a person's life." I was like, "Where is that in the Bible?" He goes, "I know."


He said to me, I'll never forget that this was in May. He said to me, he said, "You probably want to know as soon as possible so you can keep this process going." I said, "No, I'm submitting this to you and if God speaks to you to speak to him, then I'll know that God wants us to continue." I told him on a Friday, he tells Tim on a Sunday. Tim's in disbelief, in shock on Monday. Then he calls me on Tuesday like, "Did you and my pastor have a conversation?" It's like, "Yes, we did." Both Tim and Janese have prayed. They've heard from God. They had been getting prophetic words of their own. The first time he said he preached here, he said he didn't want to leave. He was like, "I hope that's not weird." I'm like, "No, that's God. That's God."

Juliet: Let me just say this, they are in love with you.

Tim: Yes, they are.

Juliet: Tim and Janese are absolutely in love with Embassy City Church. In the process, do you know what they keep asking me? "Are they going to love us like they love you? Are they going to be okay? Do they know that we love them so much? How could we just be all of their friends? We just want to care for them the way you did every time." The most sincerest, they are like, "We just want them to know that we love them and we are going to take good care of them."

Tim: It's something supernatural when God knits a heart to a congregation into a group of people. Here's what I need you to do. I need you to be able to, in this change, I need you to be able to hold sadness and joy together. We've cried a lot because this season is ending, not because anything's wrong. You can obey God's word and cry. You can be obedient to what the Lord's telling you to do and be like, "Okay, if you say so," right? Anybody beside me, ugly cry and still obedient. I'm going to leave Jesus. It's just going to hurt.

I understand when there's a change, we got to hold two things at one time. With us, if there's sadness, if you feel grief, if this has totally caught you by surprise, completely understandable. Perhaps for some of you all, your prayer life with Jesus is like He be dropping dimes in your ear. Maybe He told you before he even told us, and you going to meet us in the hallway and be like, "Yes, the Lord told me three years ago you was about to leave." Okay prophet, prophetess, we get it. Will you hear from the Lord? We got it. Okay, great. So glad your ears work.

When you see Tim and Janese, pray for them, smile at them, hug them, welcome them because Tim and Janese are going to be our pastors. I'm going to be the apostolic elder of this church in the same way that I am for Transformation and for many other churches, but they're going to be our pastors. I can receive from Tim. He can feed my soul. Every message I've listened to, I'm like, "That boy, good."


I need you to just hold space for those emotions. Tim is preaching his last message at High Ridge today. It's the only reason why they couldn't be here. I believe next week, I believe that they'll be here. We're starting a series this month obviously called Change Is Coming. You'll be hearing from me, and you'll be hearing from him between October and December. You will have two lead pastors. Don't let that confuse you. I'll be saying stuff as I go and he'll be saying stuff as he comes. I will be decreasing, while he will be increasing. On January 1st, which so appropriately just happens to be a Sunday morning, Tim Rivers will be the lead pastor of Embassy City Church.


Juliet just leaned over and said because it's hard to have somebody whisper in front of a bunch of people and be like, "What did she just say?"


She just said, "I feel led to give him a charge if that's what we're going to do." I do want to give a charge but I want to give the verse because it is a Sunday morning. This ain't a sermon, but this is. Proverbs 16:9. This is a verse that has led me through every one of my changes. Proverbs 16:9, "We make our own plans, but the Lord determines our steps." I love this verse so much. It has led me through some very tumultuous seasons, some very unique transitions. Here's been the thing that I love so much about this particular verse. It so caters to the planner and the strategizer in me.

Any planners in the room, strategizers, what's the plan? Like, "Hey, we're going to the movies." Which movie? What time? Which theater? Based on the theater, I can eat or not eat before we go or after, I need to know. Hey, I want to take you to this new restaurant. What is the website? I need a list of the most recent menu that's been updated. I don't want no surprises when I get there. Anybody beside me? Okay. You like to plan? I'm the same way. I love this verse. We make our own plans. God's okay with you making your plan as long as you're okay with Him determining the steps.

You could not have paid me to believe as an apostle. Apostle doesn't mean like long white beard and Apostle's just a description of what a person's been sent and called to do. I was sent here to Irving, Texas to build something. That's what apostles do. The fivefold ministry gifting, that's the apostolic work. Jesus is our first apostle. He was sent to build so He could build to send. I was sent here to build something. By definition, I'm an apostle. That word and that description just helps to orient to the work that I was called to do.

I never believed I was going to pastor this church for 30 years. As an apostle, I just knew I don't have a 30-year streak in me but you couldn't have paid anybody believe it would be less than 10. This caught me off guard, when God can speak a word publicly in front of the whole church and not let you know what it means, because I don't think Charlotte would've got out of here alive. Jokers would've been like, "Stone her. You ain't taking our pastor."


Over the course of the year, God's made it very, very clear that it's time for us to transition. Now, if you've been here for any length of time, you've heard, come, grow, go. Come, grow, go simply speaks to what is evangelistic, come, what is discipleship, grow, and what is apostolic, go. I thought we were supposed to stand here and tell you to come, tell you to grow, and tell you to go. I didn't know He was going to tell us to go, and stay, but go. If you need a cool little acronym for GO, God's orders. When you have God's orders, go. If you don't have His orders, stay. We make our own plans, but it is truly the Lord that determines our steps.

I just want to pray for some people this morning that need to embrace change, that need to accept change, not just in the transition that's happening here, but perhaps in your own life. I truly believe that when you're in an apostolic house, there's some things as relates to being a part of the community that trickle down. You may be experiencing that type of change in your life as well. With every head bowed and every eye closed, I just want you to take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit what He is saying to you.

Whether you have tears this morning, they are absolutely welcome. Absolutely welcome. If you have fears this morning, they are not welcome. Concern is welcome, fear is not. There is nothing to fear, but change is coming. As these changes come, we get to respond and ask the Holy Spirit what He wants to do. God, I pray for my brothers and sisters, your sons and daughters. I pray, Lord God, that you would take this word that has literally been deposited in this house over a year ago, now that we walk into the fruition of what it's supposed to be and what it's supposed to look like, speak to our hearts, calm our nerves, soothe our doubts, lead and guide us in the way just like you have in every stage of our lives.

God, we embrace change. Change is good. It can be scary, but it's good. It can be ambiguous, but it's good. God, thank you for loving this house enough to orchestrate a change that is so seamless, [laughs] that we could get no credit, only you can get glory. God, thank you for being a God that loves Tims.


You just like Timies running this church. God, thank you for Tim and Janese. We lift them up to you now. We thank you for the anointing that you have placed on their lives, we thank you for the call of God that you have placed on their lives. God, I pray right now that no matter how big their heart seems to be for what they're stepping into, I pray that you would enlarge their hearts even more. I pray that you would cover them. Let no weapon formed against them prosper, every tongue that rises against them in judgment, God, you yourself shall condemn.

God, we thank you for covering the leaders of this church. I pray blessings over them now, I pray an anointing on them now, I pray favor on them now, I pray supernatural ability on them now. God, thank you for loving this church enough to choose the leaders that you want to continue this work. God, over the next three months, just walk with us, talk with us, explain to us our purpose and our role, and what it is you've called us to do. We will give you all the praise, glory, and honor for it in Jesus' name. Amen.

Would you stand to your feet? Now listen, no matter how you feeling today-


-I think everybody should have some cake.


If you feel sad, you should eat some cake.


If you happy, you should eat some cake. To that end, we bought everybody in this building a nothing blunt cake.


Now, whether you celebrating while you eating it or you crying while you eating it, you going to eat this cake, Annie May.


Don't you walk out this door and not eat this cake. [laughs] I've never dismissed nobody to go eat cake before in my life, so this is just really weird. It's going to be a lot of first over the next three months. Baby. Yes. Okay. Prayer night is tonight, first Sunday of every night.


I can't get these first months, whatever. First Sunday of every [chuckles] month is prayer night, and then, baby?

Juliet: Okay, everyone, this morning on the way here, I was riding in the car on the way here, and I feel like the Lord gave me this word for you because it is the word that He gave us, and what happens from the head flows down to the body. Over the last seven years, we have welcomed everybody to come in and sit down, and rest, and heal from maybe wherever church they came from or what they've experienced before, and try to breathe a fresh air. Now God has given us an increase, and the word for you all this morning is increase.

For those of you, you leaders, you pastors, you ministry leaders, you elders, you ministry workers, you any leadership capacity that is in this house that still feel called to Embassy City, please slip your hands up. Fantastic. I'm going to pray for you right now because that is what the Lord said to do. With your hands raised, for those around, please point your hands to them. Father, we thank you for these ministry leaders right now. We thank you Father God, for the people that you have called in this house, that maybe they have been resting, maybe they have been sitting, maybe they have been healing, but now Father God, in this next season, we pray for increase right now in the name of Jesus.

Father, what we feel you are going to do with Embassy, that the people that are going to come in, Father, we need you to activate these ministry leaders right now. Father, call them forth. We pray that they would rise up from their arrest, Father God, and do what you need to do in their life. Begin to stir up the gifts in them right now, begin to put them in strategic places that you need them to be, Father. Father, we lift them up to you right now and we cover these elders, these ministry leaders, these pastors, Father, that have just been coming and resting Father, stir up the gift in them again and let them know they are walking into a new season, and a new place, and a new position, Father.

We thank you, Father, for your activation, we thank you, Father, for the increase in their life, God, increase their bandwidth, Jesus, increase their strength, Jesus, increase their width, Jesus, increase their mental capacity, God, increase their finances, increase them, God, in every area, increase their peace, increase the health of their marriage, increase the health of their home. Father, for what you are about to do prophetically in this house, for what you are about to do in this next season, you need their hands. You need their hands, you need their ears, you need their eyes.

Father, I covered them right now in the name of Jesus. Begin to speak clearly to them Father, on how they would begin to move and operate in this house. Begin to speak to them now, Father, that they will no longer sit down, but they would stand and rise, and hear what the word of the Lord is for this house. Put them in strategic places, God. Even those that are watching online who haven't maybe been here but you feel that stirring calling you back in, come on.

Congregant: Yes.

Juliet: Come on, come on, in the name of Jesus. Come on out of those shadows. We have a greater work to do.

Congregant: Yes, God.

Juliet: We have a great work to do. As God continues to increase us, He is going to increase you. Father, cover them. I plead, I cover them with a protection in the name of Jesus. Cover them right now, begin to speak, rest on them, Father. Rest on them. Rest on them. In Jesus' name we pray, and the house of God said amen.

Congregants: Amen.

Juliet: We cheered for God, we said amen.

Tim Ross

Tim Ross is the lead pastor of the multi-ethnic, multi-generational Embassy City Church in Irving, TX. 

Tim speaks both nationally and internationally strengthening believers with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Tim began preaching at the age of 20 years old and has already impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. His dynamic teaching style and uncanny ability to make people understand the gospel message is the reason why he has been such an asset to ministries across cultural and denominational lines.

Tim is happily married to Juliette, his bride since May 1st, 1999 and they have two sons, Nathan and Noah.

Change is Coming, Week 2

